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Your answers are always amazing !

After years of hairdressing and doing advanced colouring I still can't 100% get to grips with it. Can I ask a couple of questions ? When you talk about the pre mix bases .0 ( like the Koleston pure naturals ? ) am I right in thinking that you would say that you shouldn't use them on any hair with any % of white hair because you need to add warmth and not have any green undertones ? Also when I colour hair that has white hair in it I always use half of the corresponding base, I see you only used 1/4 of the double base, is that because it has better covering abilities ?

Oooo one more ! I have a client who is bout 80% white mixed with her nat base of bout 5, she wants colour to lift it but so far I have wiggled my way out of it !!! After reading your answer to this post I,m thinking I could do her a full head of fine weave foils and use the same as above maybe without her base as she wants lighter! What do you think ?
