Oh I forgot about this one, I had a lovely middle aged woman in who suffered with ms, so we had to go to the spa via a lift through the main hotel as only one of our rooms is wheelchair accesable, so we get up there and when I asked her about undressing I'd said did she need a hand or me holding her up whilst she undressed etc or did she just want me to leave, she just took her time balanced on me and got on the bed with some help, when she was on the bed I had to pull her swimsuit down and at the end of the treatment I forgot I had simply just pulled it down as if it was a pair of knickers, so I said I'll just pull it back up for u, well I couldn't seem to find the straps to pull so. I thought I must of got it stuck inside so I'm pulling and pulling were both laughing and I said I'm sorry I cnt find the arms, when I realised I had actually given her the biggestwedgie ever! So I apologised without trying to laugh and my instant reaction was to pull her wedgie out! So as I'm pulling one side out I realised what I
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