Which glitter?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2009
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can anyone help please. I use NSI acrylic to do French nails and French ombré, but I'm after a gel polish preferably to go over the top to give a glisten, sparkle without yellowing the white of the acrylic. No matter what gel glitter I use or loose glitter it gives a yellowish tone to the White. Any ideas?
I use loose glitter on the majority of my Nsi enhancements either in crystal clear powder or burnished into a gel polish but have never had yellowing.
Is it possibly your top coat?
Which glitter do you use? I use IBD Intense Seal over Acrylics.
I use magpie glitters, either burnished into gel polish, or sprinkled into uncured gel topcoat. They're good to mix with acrylic powders too.
Ibd do a lovely sparkly clear gel polish with very fine glitter called Fireworks.
I think that would give coverage like in the picture rather than loose glitter I think that would give a different effect.
If you are looking for loose glitters then mines another vote for Magpie, they are beautiful!
Thanks ladies
Which glitter do you use? I use IBD Intense Seal over Acrylics.
Do you use the led or uv one? Does it last without chipping . ?
I use led lamp and use Gelish top it off or if i use Ibd intense seal i use the ibd uv lamp. Yes it lasts without chipping.

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