Your thoughts are totally inaccurate... to the point where I can tell you for a FACT that most threads concerning CND and S2 are usually left on the site a lot LONGER than we'd allow other threads to when they go downhill!!!
Who exactly is it that plays favourites? (as you put it)
What we don't accept on the site are threads that intentionally slate a company for no other reason than to cause trouble, that rule applies to everyone and every company, regardless.
I have not said anything I have said to cause trouble and I have NOT intentionally slated S2, in fact I have done the opposite.
If me saying that S2 with products and staff are not immune to making mistakes like other companies, is being looked at as slating, then this is not right
I don't feel this thread has gone downhill per-say, it is just some members being honest about a not so positive subject but my no means do I see where it would need to be deleted but as I am not a mod of this site, this is not my call to make and I understand this as I am a mod on other forum sites.
I have never spoken of this before and I will not again after this post as I choose to ignore it best I can but sadly, SG is seen to be bias towards CND and S2.
I have seen it discussed elsewhere, here (SG in general) and through pm's.
To answer your question of who is playing favourites, it's no one particular person as such, just many CND/S2 fans I suppose you could call them
My comment was NOT focused on any one particular person by any means, I meant it 'generally speaking'.
I will also say that in all the time I have been a member here (which is not overly long but not short either) I personally have never read a thread where it was suggested it be deleted because a member had a issue with their supplier, whom ever that be.
What I have seen is many threads bagging out companies that can go on for many many pages and nowhere in there is it mentioned to delete anything cause it's speaking bad of that particular company.
I have recently read a few to be honest and yes, maybe the products were not up to scratch but it doesn't mean the company who made it needs to be slated like they were but not once did anybody ever suggest anything be deleted cause it was speaking bad of the company and none of these companies were S2 or CND products.
But in saying all that, I don't feel S2 was ever spoken of badly in this thread, it was about a regular customer asking for assistance with a problem and not getting good customer service back initially and being shocked about this due to the good reputation of S2 and good previous customer service.
Like I said, if a product is faulty, it's faulty, it doesn't matter if it's been 7 days since purchase or 7 months, as long as it is with in the warranty/shelf life period, the customer has every right to ask for a refund, replacement or for the problem to be rectified in some way and this is all Heatherp was trying to do.
I'm glad it has all been sorted now Heatherp and you got a positive result. I think this sort of situation happens every day in millions of businesses around the world, where one staff member can not be as pleasant as they should/could be and it can put a sour taste in your mouth.
What matters is, after it has been taken away from that staff member and put into someone elses hands, that the sourness goes away and you get great customer service, of which it seems has happened in this case thanks to S2 at the end of the day, being a good company all round but with it's flaws like everyone else.
Calling a difference of opinion in threads a 'bi*chfest" maybe a little harsh but I do see sometimes what you are talking about. Everybody is entitled to their opinions as long as they are with in the rules of the forum and the rules do allow for differing opinions but some people do see them as being b*tchy sadly, this is where some people need to learn to not take comments made as a personal attack and that it's just a different opinion to ones own opinion and that' all it was intended to be at the time
The Geek,
My point exactly, I would never say or think that S2 would knowingly let a customer down.
I also don't mean for any "hate" to be expressed, I'm sorry it's been taken that way if you feel it's come from any of my comments.
I simply mean that S2 are a business like any other and sometimes they make mistakes just like any other business does, it really is as simple as that, no hate intended.
I'm sorry but again I feel I need to say, I mean NO nastiness or harm with anything I have said. In all honesty I wish we had a supplier like S2 here in Ausralia, our nail tech world would be so much better off for it but sadly, we haven't got one but I can see from all the great things said here about S2, that it is a great company and makes many customers happy all round.
Let's all get back to being that big loving family of "techs who love the frickin industry" (I hope you don't mind me stealing your little ditto