How Towels Impact Your Salon-TASALON


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Oct 24, 2022
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Searching for the perfect towel for your salon can take a long time, which is why it's always important to know what you need. In this article, we will discuss how towels impact your salon store.

How do towels impact your salon store

The average salon owner spends $2,000 per year on towels. That's a lot of money and it can go a long way if you're making the right decisions when it comes to towel choice.

Many people believe that the type of towel used in the salon affects how customers feel about their service. In fact, many stylists swear by the power of towels to create an amazing blowout or curl.

But which type of towel is best for your business? Here are some things to consider:

The Material:

Cotton is generally considered the most absorbent towel, but some stylists prefer a terry cloth towel because they think it leaves hair with a softer feel. rayon and acetate are also popular choices because they're lightweight and dry quickly.

The Size:

Most salons use large towels, typically 24 inches by 36 inches. This size allows plenty of coverage for both head and body so hair doesn't get caught in the fabric and dried out.

The Design:

Some stylists like to use Asian style hand towels that are folded in half lengthwise to create a custom headband/curlerwrap. Others prefer bandanas that wrap around the head like a turban. Whichever design you choose, make sure it matches your salon's style and theme.


High-efficient towel

Towels are an essential part of any salon. They can be used for drying hair, cleaning tools, and more. While many people think of towels as just a basic necessity, there are a few high-efficiency towels out there that can really help your business. Here are four reasons why you should invest in a high-efficiency towel:

1) They're More Energy-Efficient:

Most standard towels use about 20% of the energy that is required to dry an object with cold air, but high-efficiency towels use about 5%. This means that your salon will be using less energy overall, which will save you money on your electricity bill.

2) They're Better For The Environment:

High-efficiency towels are made from recycled materials and have a lower carbon footprint than standard towels. This means they're good for the environment and help reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

3) They're Less Likely To Create A Mess:

Standard towels create a lot of mess when they're being used. This is because they often end up getting wet and covered in hair or product residue. High-efficiency towels do not create as much mess, which is great news if you want to keep your salon clean and tidy.

4) They Are Easier To Clean:

Standard towels can be difficult to clean because they tend to get wet and contaminated easily. High-efficiency towels are also machine-washable, which makes them easier to clean.

Towel for salon.

Salon towels are a necessity in any beauty studio. Not only do they help you dry your clients, but they can also be used to clean up tools and other supplies. When choosing the right towel for your salon, it is important to consider the size and shape of the towel.

Some salon towels are designed with a triangle or diamond-shaped cross-section, which makes them better at drying large areas like heads or entire bodies. Other towels have a square or circular cross-section, which is better for smaller areas such as hands or feet. It is also important to choose a towel that is absorbent and soft enough to avoid irritation on the skin.

Good absorbent towel

The best absorbent towels are those that are soft, plush, and absorbent. Towels that are made of terry cloth or microfiber materials are the best because they are both soft and absorbent. Terry cloth towels tend to be more expensive than microfiber towels, but they are worth it because they will dry your client faster and won't leave behind any residue.

If you are looking for an absorbent towel that is less expensive, a plain cotton towel will work just fine. Be sure to keep in mind that these towels are not as soft and may not be as effective at absorbency.

Black, Purple, Brown towel


Looking for a way to jazz up your salon without breaking the bank? Towels can be a big part of the look, and choosing the right one can help set your salon apart from the competition. Here are five different types of towels that can work well in any salon setting:

Black, purple, and brown towels are perfect for adding some color and character to a space. They're also great for highlighting specific areas of your salon such as backdrops or hair stations.

Waffle towels are another great option for adding personality to your space. They come in many different sizes and shapes, so they can be used to cover entire walls or just parts of them.

Batik towels are perfect for using in combination with other colors in your salon. They come in a variety of patterns and colors, so you can find one that coordinates perfectly with your existing décor.

Cotton towels are a classic option for salons everywhere. They're absorbent and durable, so they'll be able to handle all kinds of stylings without issue.

And finally, terry cloth bathrobes are perfect for taking care of customers after their appointment is over. Not only do they make them feel comfortable and relaxed, but they also take away any potential messes that may have been made while they were getting their hair done!