Judge Gigi-Honorary Geek
Just because it went from nails to criticing parental methods... seems to have got abit lost. Personally i thought extensions on younger people get more lifting because of their natural oils
Like anyone else, sometimes they can and sometimes they are just fine. Depends on the products you use too, whether the product uses a hydrogen bond to the nail plate or a covalent bond to the plate. Many factors cxome into the lifting issue with young ones.
My opinion is that if the enhancements are made to be suitable for the age and activity of the child, then there is no reason for anyone to refuse to do them provided they have the parents' consent. The parents need to convey all the aftercare info to the child and what will happen if they pick, and if they do then not let thme have them done again. Where the heck the harm is in that I cannot see.
If the child does some temporary damage to their nails through picking, then it's not the end of the world. Most nail technicinas have the worst damaged nails of anyone I've ever seen and we all know it grows out given a chance .. it is not permanent. So let the parents of the child make up their minds whether they want to go down the route of enhanced nails or not for their child .. Me?? I'm in business to do nails. If a parent wants a young childs nails done then I'll do them ... and I'll inform them of what they aree getting into and then it is up to them. I would not refuse to do them.