Acetone v Tip Remover v Product Remover


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British Aussie Geek
Jan 29, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
:confused: :confused: Confused? Moi?

OK, nosing through Creative catalogue and find tip remover and product remover.
What is the difference? How do they differ from acetone? (Something about being buffered I recall from a previous thread, is that both of them or just one of them?)
Do you use product remover to remove the majority of the product then switch to tip remover to dissolve the tip & adhesive? Do you use one or the other to remove the whole enhancement?
Do you not bother with either and just use good ol' acetone?
i admit i use plain ol acetone or tip remover as its cheaper and i get it from my local sallys
i always apply some essental oil + to the cuticle area and finger b4 i soak a nail off
i also use acetone/tip remover to remove polish from enhancements as it is quicker :)

It is the tip remover that is buffered to be more gentle.
You would only use one or the other, you don`t need to use both.
I asked this same question a long time ago when the site was under the previous name so you won`t find the thread. I wrote to the nail doctor in Scratch magazine to find the difference, you can PM me if you want the article
Tip Remover AND product remover are both buffered to protect the skin and both do the same job.

You would use one or the other.

DN tip remover is less expensive than CND product remover (because of the cost of flammable transport) from the USA. Either will remove the product for you well.

Raw neat acetone is not a good substitute to be used on clients skin, even with the addition of oils which make it appear to be less harsh, but only act as a cosmetic cover up. The addition of oil does not minimize the drying effects that pure acetone has on the skin and nails.

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