Hi there! I have a client tomorrow who i am going to give french acrylics using white tips. She is after the sharper smile line so I have decided to go for using the tips as I am not yet too confident with pink & whites myself. I am using white tips with wells, however i am cutting the wells off as i find it creates a much sharper, defined look. When applying the tips i find because there is no well there is a slight step (bump) from the tip to the natural nail. Applying acrylic over this i find is no problem, however i am just wanting some advice of what others do in such a situation. Do you attempt to slightly blend the tips without mucking up the french line or do you simply adhere the tip, use primer and apply acrylic as normal. I am just a little concerned that without blending the tips will be weaker and break easier. I understand companies do this, however is there something else i should or could be doing other than an applying the tips, using primer and then acrylic? I had a go using tip blender yesterday to see the effect, it turned out a little faded but was wondering if there is any point in doing this? And will not blending the white tip down to be even with the natural nail effect the strength of the nail enhancement? Thank you Charlene.