Advice re. hair loss after pregnancy please


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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Northern Ireland
Hiya, could I have some advice please from one of you lovely hair geeks? Quite a substantial amount of my hair has fallen out following my 2nd pregnancy (my baby is 5 mths now) and particularly around my hairline. If I pull back my fringe it looks like my hair is receding! :eek: Des anyone have any tips to help stimulate a quick regrowth, ie. massaging the area? or are there any products that you would recommend?
My hair is curly, long and dark and my skin is very pale so the bald spots are noticable if I dont style my hair to cover them. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you! :green:
It is normal, although distressing, and it will grow back. In the meantime maybe your hairdresser could experiment with a different style on you.
I guess I will just have to be patient, I lost loads of hair after my first pregnancy too but it seemed to be more all over not leaving me with a receding hair line lol and for someone with a big forehead anyway I could do without it getting any bigger lol! I've probably made it sound worse than it is lol :lol: xo
Hi, the same thing happened to me after my second child, i know its easy to say but just try not to stress too much over it! Your hair will grow back soon, its just one of those thing we cant do anything about!!!:eek:x:hug:x
Hello aww thanks I know I'm not too worried about it at the minute but if I loose any more I'll have enough to stuff a couch lol! xo
I thought I would end up bald after the birth of my first baby. Was not so bad with the second.

Your body has been going through unbelievable changes and physical stress since you gave birth. Breast feeding, difficult delivery, c-sections, sleepless nights etc... all contribute. During pregnancy your hormones are on a high and then after birth they crash.

It can take up to 1 year for your body to completely return to normal after a natural birth and 2 years if you have had a C-section.

Best wishes.
I thought I would end up bald after the birth of my first baby. Was not so bad with the second.

Your body has been going through unbelievable changes and physical stress since you gave birth. Breast feeding, difficult delivery, c-sections, sleepless nights etc... all contribute. During pregnancy your hormones are on a high and then after birth they crash.

It can take up to 1 year for your body to completely return to normal after a natural birth and 2 years if you have had a C-section.

Best wishes.
2 YEARS:eek:
Never knew it was that long for a c section! One of my staff has just had one, I won't tell her!

Think she was planning on snapping back into shape within a month. (first child):rolleyes::lol:
It actually takes 12 years for the c-sec to fully heal in the inside. My boy is 3 in Jan and I'm still losing hair and in pain behind scar :-(

It actually takes 12 years for the c-sec to fully heal in the inside. My boy is 3 in Jan and I'm still losing hair and in pain behind scar :-(

Everyone is different and the 1 year and 2 years are guidelines, but rest assured it does not normally take 12 years. Your hair loss and pain behind your scar may be due to other factors.
Isn't it because during pregnancy everything goes into growth mode, whereas normally our hair is either in a state of growth, rest or fall-out ( I seem to have dragged the words anagen,catagen, talogen out of the dark places in my brain- not sure)
In pregnancy we supposedly have lustrous thick hair because it isn't falling out and then sometime after birth the hair that would have been falling out during the 9 months anyway begins to all come out around the same time ( obviously leaving quite a lot still) and then we get little baby newgrowth all over again until it settles down.
Umm.. difficult to explain, maybe we shouldn't have laughed at our science teacher Mrs Horniman when she was explaining the erector pili muscle etc. etc.:p
Everyone is different and the 1 year and 2 years are guidelines, but rest assured it does not normally take 12 years. Your hair loss and pain behind your scar may be due to other factors.

Hmm, 4 dr's told me that it's a full 12 years for the inside to heal 100%. Same to my friend and my mum who had c-sec's.

Hair loss should stop by 2 but only as a general rule.

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Hey poor you! If it makes you feel better for the past few months my hairs been falling out loads too! My baby is 7 months old. Its so bad it's on the floor when I sweep up, clumps of hair in the shower resembling mice theres that much! My mother in law even found one in her coffee pot, and I don't even drink coffee! I also had a c section and it does still hurt if my stomach is poked or grabbed or kicked (talking about my babies kicks, don't worry!) even though it appears healed well. Be rest assured though, us post pregnancy baldies are all around, you are not alone! 
Hey poor you! If it makes you feel better for the past few months my hairs been falling out loads too! My baby is 7 months old. Its so bad it's on the floor when I sweep up, clumps of hair in the shower resembling mice theres that much! My mother in law even found one in her coffee pot, and I don't even drink coffee! I also had a c section and it does still hurt if my stomach is poked or grabbed or kicked (talking about my babies kicks, don't worry!) even though it appears healed well. Be rest assured though, us post pregnancy baldies are all around, you are not alone! 

Haha post pregnancy baldies I love that lol! Well my oldest was born in June 2009 and my youngest was born in December 2010 so my body definitely didn't get much of a chance to recover! When I washed my hair this morning I swear it looked like Chewbacca had a shave in my bath! :biggrin: Ah well I guess its just another 1 of those lovely side effects to go with the stretch marks, dark circles and jelly belly lol! Thanks for all of the replies ladies. xo
phyto do a range for women losing their hair. go into a phyto appointed salon and look at the brochure, i cant remember how to spell it but the range goes something like ..... phytocyane

i used to work in a salon and this client had amazing results. she used the treatment just by itself, but if the problem is when you wash the hair, then you wll also need the shampoo and conditioner AND treatment, downside to the treatment is that it tends to leave it a little oily. but saying this the client had extremly fine, straight hair, if yours is naturally curly and dark like mine, i dont think you should have this problem!! only problem is that its expensive, but theyre some really good multipack deals on ebay. a salon cannot order from phyto unless you make a big order. so you will have to buy as a client im afraid! but well worth the money!
Hi redken have just brought a treaent package out called intra force. This includes a shampoo conditioner and treatment spray. I have 3 clients using this and are seeing brilliant results. Have. Look on the redken website for more info as they are also doing a 100% money back garantee if you don't like it within 3 months
From experience I'd say just be patient, your hair will grow back, its all totally normal, if you start to get bald patches this is also fairly normal but its best to go and see your doctor and possibly get referred to a trichologist. I'm inclined to say don't worry about buying too many 'potions' just yet as post pregnancy hairloss is to be expected.:wink2:
Hi id totally agree with penners...ive also been through this..3 times, with a very small gap inbetween each child. Id just be starting to grow some back and have an inch long of static type hair that stuck up out of my usual long dark wavy hair then id get pregnant again and loose it again, by the 3rd child i had a ridiculously large receding hairline which looked horrendous with my dark hair. i was truely scared that it would refuse to grow back, and my saving grace was to have a full fringe cut in to disguise my patches. anyway, my youngest is 18months now and im happy to say my inch long fuzz has returned..only this time it will get chance to grow back fully as i will definately not be having any more children. my advice would be to eat healthily(lots of green veg) & take a hair/skin vitamin..and let nature take its course
(with ur fingers crossed :biggrin: )
oh mine were all c-sections too, 12 sure i was healed inside inbetween mine, 2yr gap then 16 month gap as they had to cut out the scars. certainly no pain there after a few sure theyve not left any operating tools in there! :wink2: :D
its perfectly natural that after you have a baby some of your hair will fall out. whilst your pregnant your hair is in great condition so when you brush your hair no hair or the tiniest amount comes out when your brushing. My tips for when you have problems with your hair is 1. there is a special shampoo out there i for get the name its by an american brand. { i will find it an post the name of it} that when you apply it when your shampooing your hair it stimulates an tingles your scalp to kick off regrowth. I also say massage the bald or thinning spots as stimulating the hair follicles an getting the blood flow can increase the nutrients to the hair follicle to get the hair to grow back an no 3. coconut oil is great for alopecia. hope I"ve helped . xx

The same happened to me after having my babies, i've got 4 now. I took Feroblobin liquid by Vitabiotics as someone said to me the hair loss could be due to iron deficiancy after the pregnancy.

Also Boots have their own brand of a spray specifically for hair growth which some of my clients have used and its helped.

My hair use to be all over our wooden flooring and it use to drive my husband potty.

Hi everyone, thank you for taking the time to reply! I'll have a wee look at all of the products and treatments that have been mentioned. I'm not really stressing over it or anything but I was just starting to get used to having these luscious, thick locks lol Ah well at least Cheryl can rest assured that she won't be getting replaced in the L' Oreal ads by me haha! xo

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