Age and death!!


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Scared of old age and Dying?

  • Nope - I will grow old gracefully

    Votes: 9 14.1%
  • Yes - I will use every pill, potion, method to keep me young and beautiful!

    Votes: 8 12.5%
  • Don't want to get old, but not scared of dying!

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Don't want to die and don't want to get old!

    Votes: 22 34.4%
  • Uh ??? my time will come when it is good and ready and I will enjoy life to the full till then!

    Votes: 16 25.0%
  • Will do what I think is best when I come across an issue!

    Votes: 5 7.8%
  • Other - please explain!

    Votes: 4 6.3%

  • Total voters
I ticked other......
I'm not scared of getting old.......nor of dying.......

Rather I have this phobia of "what they do after" .....I'm afraid of what they will do to me after I'm gone......cremation, preservation,autopsy ect....weird I know...and hubby says "who cares " your not here ......I know....but my body is......also have the phobia of hurting peeps because I am gone......

I know how much it hurt when I lost my Dad a couple years ago and don't want to cause pain like this to my hubby, kids, family.....

Strange I know it's the ....what if factor.....

I can relate to this post. I lost my dear Daddy when I was a kid, maybe it's something to do with that. I don't know.
Uh ??? my time will come when it is good and ready and I will enjoy life to the full till then!

I am not scared of dying in fact I have already picked my funeral songs lol
Growing old now thats a different matter I hate the fact that we get old and have to suffer if I could change that bit I would.
I'll admit to taking care of the package and not looking old- hiding the grey and taking care of my health and my skin.

I can't say I'm afraid, but I can't say I'm ready either. There are too many things I'd like to do first....

Hug my children when they hurt, see them through monumental occassions, watch them with their children. (I have a ways to go there- my kids are only 6 and 9)

See the sunrise with friends, laugh under the stars, listen to the snow, appreciate the power of waves crashing against rocks.

Spend time with my siblings, my aunts and my counsins-

I don't want to try bunjee jumping or parachuting, but there are a few rivers I'd like to conquer and a few mountains I'd like to ski, hills I'd like to climb.

I've come rather close to losing my life a couple of times, it gives a reality check when you do and no matter how long it's been you never lose the feeling of grasping life and living it the best you know how no matter what is dished out to you. (for those who wonder- I've been robbed at gun point, crashed a car at 75 miles an hour down a hill-I rolled 3 or 4 times and my now 6 year old was with me-, and after coming home from a surgery I hemmorraged and had to go back to the hospital, I figure I have at least 6 lives left if I count it that way!)

Take time to hug your family, thank your friends and smile at a stranger- you never know when your time will be up.
I don't want to die and I don't want to be old - in fact I am refusing to do either :irked::irked::irked:

Yep thats me also!! I am scared of death & getting old. Time seems to go so quick these days also. I try not to think about it if I can but its a part of life & there doesn't seem to be any way of forgetting about it as there is always a reminder somewhere of how invincible we are & that that it comes to us all.Plus how short a time we really do have, we should make the most of it but I find we always say a lot "well there is always tomorrow", we should try & live for now as you never know whats round the corner.:cry: Its the what happens after also that make you think. Its a very deep question & yeh I could say more but there are a lot of what if's in the world & maybe's guess you/we won't know some answers till it happens.(Not for a long time I hope though)!!!
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im scared incase i miss summit - cos im a nosey cow lol

LOL thats me also!!! I'd be like hey how dare you do that without me!!!:)
I often have dreams with quite old people in them and (without getting strange) we have quite profound conversations, which make me feel a better person in the morning.

I had a full on very realistic dream where i was talking to my ex's grandmother, we had quite a good chat for a very long time.... the next day I rang him (after 3 years) .... only to find out she was still alive ....... that made me feel even better.

Maybe it was Astral travelling ..... dunno .... (see i'm not all that square) but dont get me started on ear candling.

There is a condtiion called lobal epilepsi, people who are sleeping, even though they are quite aware that tthey are in bed asleep.. can also be in another place having conversations and experiences that are very real. My father has had this for years and was at one point put on medication to stop it. when he turned around and was lookingat himself sleeping he decided he had, had enough. Lobal epilepsi inits most severe can be extremely frightening.. but in most cases the person doesnt even realise its happening and pass it off as wierd dreams.

back to the topic at hand... HELL YEA im afraidof dying.. i want to milk this puppy for all i can.. and live to see my kids, kids!!
i have so much to do.. see and say!!
I put other because I nearly died about 7 weeks ago but obviously I'm meant to be here for a while longer. Medically the Drs are amazed I'm still alive.
I don't fear death, I just don't want to die a horrible death.
Also, my opinion is quality of life overrides quantity of life. if I end up with a degenerative disease once it gets to the stage where it affects my quality of life, I'm checking out, or if I had an accident and ended up as a vege etc, my advance health directive states to turn me off.
As for the ageing bit, I take care of myself and like to look good. I def believe in plastic surgery so if I'm around long enough, I'll be lining up for a few procedures - just don't want to end up like Michael Jackson or Cher or heaven forbid - Jocelyn aka catwoman.
Hmmm this is something i thought about alot after mums death when i came accross the paperwork for the cemetary and found to my horror that every female in my family over the last centuary had died before the age of 55.

I went through fear for ages panicking about the ones i would leave behind and how they would cope without me.

I went on a mission to find anything i could to help me live longer wether it be pills, diet, therapy, you name it i did it!

In the end i decided my first course of action was to quit smoking, change my diet and throw myself into doing things ide always wanted to but never had.

I learnt to drive, conqured my fear of flying and now go abroad, trained long and hard for 2 years to become a beauty therapist & nail tech, ive now got my grandkids to lavish with love and the fear????? Its locked in a cupboard out of sight & out of mind!

This is today & tomorrow is another day, if i die young like other female family members then so be it, my time will come when its good and ready, untill then im getting out of life as much as i put into it!

Live life to the full.....:hug:
I am petrified of dying,and of being very old and reliant and ill .

I don't want to leave the family i love so much,but given a choice i would go before them,i couldn't handle that kind of greife,i know it
im mixed up im not sure what im afraid of
i lost my brother 10 years ago and found him and i think that opened up a huge can of worms as i now get paranoid about the smallest things and every time i get ill i think the worst and its doing my head in but i dont know if counsilling would help
its stupid stuff like my brother was said to have died from an epileptic fit in his sleep ( i found him and he had just looked like he was asleep as no covers had been moved)
now im scared of flying???? lol whats that about???
ok im droning on lol sorry hehehe
Well, I voted 'other' because I sure as hell am determined to grow old 'disgracefully! In fact, I already am!!! Perhaps its the Prozac that helps!!! :D
I have had my battles with death at my door twice now. I belive that no matter what happens i'm here for a reason, people come in and out of my life for a reason. Weather to hear my stories or me to hear theres, my life has always been to help from what i have choosen in my life as far as jobs to my daughters name, Justice, to where i park my car. People just come to me and i am happy to be able to say I AM STILL HERE. When MY Goddess tells me i have done my job and i have done it well that it is my turn to go my only hope is that others remeber my kind words, actions, speaches or stories and share them with others who will share them as well. The greatest gift of life is to give life which i have done now I am on borrowed time.
Hi there, I love the age I am and in this day and age anything goes, you only live once and when D day comes it all over :) I mean this in a very positive way, life is what you make it we have all made our choices - salon geeks, and this is what makes us happy and as you all know happyness prolongs life :)
I can honestly say i am not afraid of death nor dying as i have seen too much of it over the years ..i voted my time will come when it is good and ready but till then I will enjoy life to the full.

Life is how you make it .I love the age I am(life begins at 40 and all that) and yes i look in the mirror sometimes and :Scared: i'm getting and looking old but in this day and age anything goes, i do take care of myself and my health,i do spend money on hairstyles and colouring(and hide the grey at the same time lol) i do spend money on clothes and i try not to get stressed as much as i used to, i also still go to live gigs ,being a party animal and oneday want to ride on a harley davidson chopper and tour all over.. so i think yes still some life in this old girl yet:lol::lol:. Well you only live once and when mr reaper comes a knocking it's all over :) so i enjoy what life i have left .... this is meant in a very positive way, life is what you make it, we have all made our choices ,friends,family,partners and online friends giving and sharing and this is what makes us happy and as you all know happiness does prolong your life :):):Love:
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The title of this thread made me feel anxious, and that was before I even opened it and read the content.

I have a real fear of death, I think about it every day. I'm 31 and I panic regularly that my life is fleeting before me. I sit and work out how many years of life I have left, assuming I die in my old age and it worries me that I'm already nearly half way through my life.

I dont worry about dying young, and nor do I grasp at anti ageing treatments or pills, it's just a completely irrational fear I have about the fact that I am creeping closer to my old age (even though in reality I know its a long way away). I often panic that I will never have any more children, even though deep down I dont think I want any, and the other day when my husbands friend was talking about his wife going through the menopause in her 40's it really made me panic - I'm 10 years away from that.

Sometimes I think that I will waste my whole life worrying about dying, and so I should forget about it and enjoy life, and this does work but only for a short time.

Am I the only one with such an acute yet irrational fear, or are there others?

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