I've had a right good giggle reading that. The part that particularly made me laugh was when she says she wanted to open a salon and she "found a shop, signed the lease, opened up and that was that" Ta da!!!! I bet even Paul Daniels couldnt beat that magic act!!
To be honest this doesnt worry me one bit, I only feel sorry for ladies who might be a bit short on cash and might get sucked in by these false promises she makes.
I know I'm not alone in seeing new clients from time to time who want a rebalance as they didnt like the work done by the previous tech, they come to you and present and appalling set of nails, and tell you that the previous tech is self taught/learnt from home, and is teaching others to become techs. I've personally had two of these in two weeks.
Anyone who "trains" on this type of course is setting themselves up for a fall. They will churn out second rate work (at best), their customer will find a new tech, and at some point, someone will sue these techs because they will make mistakes that weren't covered on the course. The biggest disappointment I feel about this is that if this woman really is a master tech with her own salon, she knows damn well that she is peddling lies, and she is making money by conning people. dont know how she sleeps at night.
I havent had any emails from this lady, but I think it's likely she researches the internet and reads this site, so I would like to put this question to her: How does she intend to fund all the court cases resulting from her misrepresentation? Techs may not have to be qualified right now, but we all know that there is a bill going through parliament as we speak which, if it comes to fruition, means that ALL techs will have to have recognised qualifications, making her so-called course worth diddly-squat. She conveniently fails to mention this in her literature!