Another waxing disaster


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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2004
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I can't belive this is happening to me, I seem to be going from one disaster to another. I have just spent the last 15 mins on the phone to my friend crying my eyes out, I posted a thread a few days ago about my waxing disaster and now here I am again. My client came for her underarms and I was not at all worried as I felt quite confident about doing under the arms and I did not think it would take long. The lady had shaved her hairs a week ago and has previously had them done at a salon without a problem, but do you think the hairs would come out, oh no i got some out but the just would not budge, they were quite coarse but I still did not think it was going to be a problem, in the end I had to give up and not charge as I could not keep going over the same area I apologised and offered to do it for free next time, luckily she accepted which surprised me as this was her first visit to me so she is coming back in 3 weeks, she is going to shave the rest tonite as she is going away for a week tommorow but when she comes back she said she will leave them for 2 weeks. It was really hot in my room so i dont know it that affected the wax. She said the wax did not feel hot and that it felt hotter in the salon but I think it was to runny so I did not think i needed to turn it up, the was just did not seem to be gripping the hairs. I wish I had turne my hot wax on now as I think that may have been better, Im not sure. I really feel like Ive had enough as I only have a few clients from when I did my leaflet drops and at this rate none of them will come back Ive got a full leg, bikini, underarm and eyebrow on Monday and I am dreading it in fact Im thinking of cancelling, I've also got a manicure tommorow I know not much can go wrong with that but knowing my luck it will I will probably give her a terrible paint job because I feel so nervous about that as Im sure it will go wrong as well. This is a bad day for me so sorry to post such a depressing thread but It makes me feel better telling someone about my disaster.
teresajay said:
I can't belive this is happening to me, I seem to be going from one disaster to another. I have just spent the last 15 mins on the phone to my friend crying my eyes out, I posted a thread a few days ago about my waxing disaster and now here I am again. My client came for her underarms and I was not at all worried as I felt quite confident about doing under the arms and I did not think it would take long. The lady had shaved her hairs a week ago and has previously had them done at a salon without a problem, but do you think the hairs would come out, oh no i got some out but the just would not budge, they were quite coarse but I still did not think it was going to be a problem, in the end I had to give up and not charge as I could not keep going over the same area I apologised and offered to do it for free next time, luckily she accepted which surprised me as this was her first visit to me so she is coming back in 3 weeks, she is going to shave the rest tonite as she is going away for a week tommorow but when she comes back she said she will leave them for 2 weeks. It was really hot in my room so i dont know it that affected the wax. She said the wax did not feel hot and that it felt hotter in the salon but I think it was to runny so I did not think i needed to turn it up, the was just did not seem to be gripping the hairs. I wish I had turne my hot wax on now as I think that may have been better, Im not sure. I really feel like Ive had enough as I only have a few clients from when I did my leaflet drops and at this rate none of them will come back Ive got a full leg, bikini, underarm and eyebrow on Monday and I am dreading it in fact Im thinking of cancelling, I've also got a manicure tommorow I know not much can go wrong with that but knowing my luck it will I will probably give her a terrible paint job because I feel so nervous about that as Im sure it will go wrong as well. This is a bad day for me so sorry to post such a depressing thread but It makes me feel better telling someone about my disaster.
I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a bad time of it at the mo. You mustnt cancel your appointment for Monday: its a bit like riding a horse, when you fall off you must get straight back on it (pardon the analogy!). As far as your manicure is concerned, tomorrow is another day and manicure a different treatment - you'll be absolutely fine and believe in yourself :)
Hi Teresajay,

Try not to panic! This isnt that uncomman. A client comes in and the hairs just arnt that long, but still think they can be waxed easily. Firstly ensure the hairs are approximately 1/2-1 cm long, if the wax was the correct temp then thats fine, and always apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth, and pull away from the hair growth, this im sure you already know. What do you clean them with prior to waxing? And do you apply talc/cornflour over them so the wax sticks to them better? Honestly try not to fret, and just politely ask the client to leave the hairs to grow to a longer length for her next appointment. As for monday, dont cancel, as i feel its best to face any problems you may encounter within your career head on or else you will get a complex with that particular area. I sure you are a very competent therapist, so dont be too hard on yourself.

Michelle. xxx
oh you poor thing , i really feel for you , have you got any close friends /family who will let you practice, if not wot about partner, my poor bloke has had just about everything done on him and it did help me get more confident, plus it gets you used to coping with hairier clients :) (that is if your bloke is like mine lol) hope this helps love dee
Oh i do feel for you, i think everyone here knows what you are going through. Everyone has bad days that seem to last forever, but you must keep at it and persevere.

Please dont give up, try and get some help from friends for practise, andchin up you will do it.

Dont give up good advice earlier i usually talc the skin before i wax. It could have been a combination of hot skin, hot room and hairs not long enough. The client will get the best from underarm waxing if she dosent shave inbetween visits. This is one of the most responsive areas to the hair thinning. Keep your confidence if you are left with some hairs just tweeze them out. HTH chin up!
I ditto Michelle's advice. Make sure clients let the hairs grow out long enough, and powder the area good before you wax. Good Luck!
Hi hun

I'm sorry but if she shaved them a week ago they wouldn't be long enough. If someone tells me they have shaved even 2 weeks before I tell them they may not come out because they may not be long enough. I had someone who had done this with her legs, and she understood when I told her.

Don't worry it's all part of the learning process and gaining experience. Next time a client rings, ask them before the book if they have shaved recently, or how long they have been letting the hairs grow.


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