Any mobile stylists ever been to creepy houses?


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OMG that guy sounds like a total fruit loop!!!:eek:x
deep fat fryers and **** - thats the nicest thing to smell of when you come away from a client, you have to make sure you have time to shower and change before the next client or they'll think you're a smelly!!!

Also pets!! I got bitten by a dog once, have been offered cups of tea when I'm sure the cats have licked the cups, once did a family who lived out in the sticks and had about 6 cats watching me from the kitchen worktops ( allergic to cats)

my first ever mobile client years ago that rang on my very new mobile phone was a man who sounded a bit creepy and when I said was it just a dry cut he said 'well unless theres anything else on offer' I laughed his 'joke' off nervously but made my husband ( then boyfriend) take me there and wait outside!! it was a large house in the countryside and he had gentle classical music playing and offered me a glass of wine when I arrived!!! - he was creepy but I cut his hair and never heard from him again, thankfully - probably wasn't his type!!:biggrin:

I do advertise mens cuts but I'm thinking of changing it after this thread, its such a 'close' job isn't it and some men out there may not have women running their fingers through their hair that often - errrgh! definately going to change my ads!!!:Scared:
I am still alive!! To be honest the client was nice.. Eccentric but nice! I have given myself a slap on the wrists for being so presumtuous and judgemental!!! :)
Yeyyyy, glad you made it home in one peice!!!:biggrin:x
That 'knife' story is spooky i think i'd of been too freaked out to ever work on my own again!!!x
I am super paranoid about getting locked in someones house!! I even looked into getting a personal safety device lol x
Ooh me too, its one of my biggest fears when i think a house looks a bit dodgy. I have a personal alarm but apart from the fact that i keep forgetting to take it with me i dont really think it would do much good if i was trapped in someones house coz who would hear it???:Scared:x
i don't do mobile as i have my own salon now but when i did i went to do a gents hair and when he opened up the door HERES JONNY!!! i said oh dear i have forgot my comb or scissors or something can not remember exactly, i will just go back to car leave door open if you like i got in car and sped off on 2 wheels i just had a strange and scary feeling i can laugh now but at the time i was terrified. i wonder how many hairdressers he has under his patio lol
God there are literally freaks everywhere! Glad you got away safe!!! :eek:
Like most others, I only do husbands/parners of female clients while already with them.
BUT!! Its not always men! I once had a really freaky woman! She rang to say she wanted full head hilights, so I arranged to pop round to do consultation. She seemed nice enough, a bit too quietly spoken, and a distant look in her eyes.
I booked the appointment, as the day grew closer I had that bad gut feeling about going. So I rang my hubby, gave him the address,told him roughly how long id be and to ring me every half hour! (she had a lot of hair!).
She lived in a flat 3 floors up ( no lift), as I went in she locked the door behind me.:twisted: Made out her Dad was out to get her,( later found out he is in a wheelchair and coudnt walk 3 steps). She also had a cat.
Had the feelin if her hair didnt turn out to her liking, she would seriously flip. Every thing went well, and she rebooked.
Next visit, no cat, now a dog, she made out vet had killed the cat, again im locked in.(I think she killed the cat).
It soon became obvious she lived in a complete fantasy world.
As the months have gone by, she met a man moved in with him and had a baby, and went even more weird.
Sent me a text the night before her apptmt cancelling coz she'd left the area and was in refuge.
18 months later shes rang me to do her hair, shes back in town.
Ive turned up at the bungalow mid day, all curtains are drawn, doors locked behind me again, freezing cold, hardly any funiture, food /drink. baby walking round in trousers 2 foot too long, dogs coat all matted up.
She was really spaced out!!
She made out her ex had beaten her black and blue, it was actually the other way round and shed been arrested.
After finding that out, no way was I going round anymore.
Also that day at the bungalow, the curtains were closed coz the baby was on child protection reg and social sevices were looking for her!
She did ring me again and I said was booked up for weeks and couldnt fit her in,- well I got loads of abusive texts for weeks after. Thank god, never heard from her since, think she's been sectioned, and little girl lives with dad!
Sorry for writing a novel! X
wow, cazzi!!! maybe we should all trust our gut instinct??:Scared:
Yeah defo!!
Over the years, I have got quite good at sussing people out over the phone, just by how they talk and how the conversation goes.
Once a gent called me, he sounded quite old and frail,but really kind, said his wife had recently passed away. So I broke my own rule and went round, he was a lovely old man, just like youd want your grandad to be!
He said somebody recommended me and he was a bit worried about having strangers in the house! I only went to him a few times and unfortunately he passed away. So I was glad met him!! X:biggrin:
i never go to mens houses either except for the boyfriend/husband rule. and if people sound weird i say i'm busy. my partner always has the addresses for every client and i sometimes make him come with me and sit outside in the car if they are scary! you can never be too safe! one scary thing htough, not because of weird peopke but i have had 2 people decide to tell me their husband died right where i was stood before, and the other one told me someone died in her bath before as i was shampooing her hair, and one of them lives in a very old cottage, scary!
Like most others, I only do husbands/parners of female clients while already with them.
BUT!! Its not always men! I once had a really freaky woman! She rang to say she wanted full head hilights, so I arranged to pop round to do consultation. She seemed nice enough, a bit too quietly spoken, and a distant look in her eyes.
I booked the appointment, as the day grew closer I had that bad gut feeling about going. So I rang my hubby, gave him the address,told him roughly how long id be and to ring me every half hour! (she had a lot of hair!).
She lived in a flat 3 floors up ( no lift), as I went in she locked the door behind me.:twisted: Made out her Dad was out to get her,( later found out he is in a wheelchair and coudnt walk 3 steps). She also had a cat.
Had the feelin if her hair didnt turn out to her liking, she would seriously flip. Every thing went well, and she rebooked.
Next visit, no cat, now a dog, she made out vet had killed the cat, again im locked in.(I think she killed the cat).
It soon became obvious she lived in a complete fantasy world.
As the months have gone by, she met a man moved in with him and had a baby, and went even more weird.
Sent me a text the night before her apptmt cancelling coz she'd left the area and was in refuge.
18 months later shes rang me to do her hair, shes back in town.
Ive turned up at the bungalow mid day, all curtains are drawn, doors locked behind me again, freezing cold, hardly any funiture, food /drink. baby walking round in trousers 2 foot too long, dogs coat all matted up.
She was really spaced out!!
She made out her ex had beaten her black and blue, it was actually the other way round and shed been arrested.
After finding that out, no way was I going round anymore.
Also that day at the bungalow, the curtains were closed coz the baby was on child protection reg and social sevices were looking for her!
She did ring me again and I said was booked up for weeks and couldnt fit her in,- well I got loads of abusive texts for weeks after. Thank god, never heard from her since, think she's been sectioned, and little girl lives with dad!
Sorry for writing a novel! X

HAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm sorry, i know i shouldn't laugh as you were probably really freaked out. I dunno if it's the way you worded it or your sense of humour as you wrote that, but i find that quite hilarious! Good thing you kept away after knowing she's violent. Sounds like you had a lucky escape!

Some of the stories on here are quite scary. I'm just a little concerned as to all the 'no male hair' comments. I'm male and I wanna go mobile after my course. Kinda concerned everyone will be funny about having a male hairdresser in their house! :sad: I guess we'll soon see!

Sorry to bring an old thread back to life. I was just having a good read and found some of the threads amusing/scary!

kams xx

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