Ah nail biters, the thorn in every nail professionals side
If a client were to ask me for enhancements as a nail biter I would first explain to them that as they are nail biters there would firstly be no guarantees on the nails and all repairs must be paid for
Then I would explain to them that anything extended longer that the length of their nail plate is unlikely to last longer than a few days, so if their nail plates are roughly 1cm long then anything longer than 2 cms is not recommended , I would then explain that because they are a nail biter there are no garantees on the nails and all repairs must be paid for
Then I would explain that long stilettos are really something a client has to get used to, most clients who wear these build up the length over time as it is very hard to do everyday tasks with nails at such a long length and they are likely to break and as she is a nail biter there are no garantees on the nails and all repairs must be paid for
then I would mention her nails and cuticles look in poor condition and that enhancements require homecare such as solar oil and regular maintainence or she could damage her natural nails. Also she will require rebalances every 1-2 weeks at the start as nail biters have much quicker regrowth than normal ... and yep you guessed it would again tell her because she is a nail biter there are no garantees on the nails and all repairs must be paid for
.... However , if she really wants super long stiletto nails even though you have advised against them I would them, it's the clients choice to wear whatever she wants on her nails , just make her well aware that they probably won't last and give her other more manageable options first ... and remind her all repairs are chargeable
unfortunately you must sound like a broken record on these occasions as clients don't take the information in when only told once ...