I'm a bit confused as to how you can go an apprenticeship with Toni and guy when they teach you the Toni and guy way not the way college teach you? I don't class this company as a place I'd learn but each to their own.
No need to be so negative! Another person who doesn't actually answer the question asked - If you have nothing constructive to add, then don't post as it's not helping.
I remember my first interview - I was so naive! lol I took in my full college kit expecting to be given clients straight away, when in reality I was a glorified cleaner for 2 years. This wasn't a negative, far from it - I kept my head down, worked hard and watched the stylists in the salon at every opportunity. It's important that you pay your due's in a salon, you will earn respect and gain valuable salon experience which is always a positive thing!
Make sure you have a good nights sleep the night before, wear something that expresses who you are - (but remember this is a professional environment) take your portfolio with you, and do your research on the salon!
In the interview, they will obviously ask what experience and qualifications you have, but they may surprise you with some unexpected questions - salon owners like to see creativity and imagination! I was asked a few unexpected questions in my first interview:
What motivates you?
Who inspires you?
What colours are bang on trend this season?
Do you plan on ever going mobile in the future?
Are you good at cleaning? (lol)
You have a few days to prepare my sweet, I'm sure you will be fine! Most of all, just be yourself :hug:
Let us know how you get on
Rachel x