ASDA/TESCO... Child car spaces!!!!!


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Oh My Word what a can of worms you've opened here!:eek:

Got to agree though as i have a 20 month old boy who is a complete little monster! It does make life easier for me to park in a wider space, i have a coupe, so my doors are 'longer' i really struggle to get him in and out of the car in a regular space as he is quite heavy and not always cooperative!

I am not bothered by the distance to the store i would walk further for a wider space, in fact in my local tesco the parent and child places are around the corner of the store and then there are a few on the very front, got to say you can usually get one round the corner as its more of a walk so the lazy buggers dont bother pinching them!!

Where i live the spaces have a 'pushchair' on them hint hint!! If your child is older and can quite easily get in and out of the car on their own do you really need a wider space??

If i dont have alex with me and just my other two boys i wouldnt dream of using a parent and child space.

As for disabled spaces well i just wont go there!!!
well at tesco today - my hubby (taxi driver) watched as a bloke argued with a warden that he has a disabled badge - but he didnt have it in his car window - so he got slapped with a ticket
aargh its so annoying trying to get my pram out of the carin a tiny space and also from keeping my 2year old from getting hit by a car, then coming back to my space to find the car next to me is different and right next to my door so i can't get my babies car seat in!!!
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Oh My Word what a can of worms you've opened here!:eek:

Got to agree though as i have a 20 month old boy who is a complete little monster! It does make life easier for me to park in a wider space, i have a coupe, so my doors are 'longer' i really struggle to get him in and out of the car in a regular space as he is quite heavy and not always cooperative!

I am not bothered by the distance to the store i would walk further for a wider space, in fact in my local tesco the parent and child places are around the corner of the store and then there are a few on the very front, got to say you can usually get one round the corner as its more of a walk so the lazy buggers dont bother pinching them!!

Where i live the spaces have a 'pushchair' on them hint hint!! If your child is older and can quite easily get in and out of the car on their own do you really need a wider space??

If i dont have alex with me and just my other two boys i wouldnt dream of using a parent and child space.

As for disabled spaces well i just wont go there!!!

I youngest child is 11 ...i dont park in mother and baby spaces...but what annoys me so much is when people do ...then they park in disabled mum is disabled and when i cant get a space cos someone else has taken it...even though they can walk better than my mum can....that is sooo frustrating....would it hurt the able people to be considerate of babys and mums and disabled????? .
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Oh My Word what a can of worms you've opened here!:eek:

Got to agree though as i have a 20 month old boy who is a complete little monster! It does make life easier for me to park in a wider space, i have a coupe, so my doors are 'longer' i really struggle to get him in and out of the car in a regular space as he is quite heavy and not always cooperative!

I am not bothered by the distance to the store i would walk further for a wider space, in fact in my local tesco the parent and child places are around the corner of the store and then there are a few on the very front, got to say you can usually get one round the corner as its more of a walk so the lazy buggers dont bother pinching them!!

Where i live the spaces have a 'pushchair' on them hint hint!! If your child is older and can quite easily get in and out of the car on their own do you really need a wider space??

If i dont have alex with me and just my other two boys i wouldnt dream of using a parent and child space.

As for disabled spaces well i just wont go there!!!

I think I have opened a can of worms here! :lol:
I think everyone is venting all their car park aggression out on my thread:lol:
Alot of mixed comments!
At our local Tesco you used to have to go into the store and apply for an orange parent and toddler badge for you to the be able to park in their mother and toddler spaces which I thought was a good idea but that was soon scrapped.

Now they just have your normal mother and toddler spaces and the people that I have seen park in them, people in their 4x4's, women in their sports cars, old couples, 2 workmen in their big white vans (grrr white van drivers) and none of them with small children!

I do agree that these spaces should be kept for the people intended (disabled spaces included), however, I also agree that maybe enlarging the general spaces would make things a whole lot easier for everyone. Then if there are no spaces available for instance in the mother and toddler section they can still get a big space (though I know it's not just the size of the space that matters) or for people that just need a big space for any other reason.

I say this because when my sister was 8 months pregnant she went to asda done her shopping and came back to find that somebody had parked so close to her drivers door that she couldn't get in! She had to climbed over the passengers seat, can you imagine doing that at 8 months pregnant?! :eek: Needless to say a nasty note was left under the window wipers! :lol:
I've just seen this thread, and really want to put my two pence worth in, so I hope you don't mind. I too agree that I want bigger car parking spaces so I can get my 6 month old and my 3 year old out the car. I'm so sick of people parking in spaces because of all the reasons already listed. What right do people think they have to park in them spaces and leave everyone with children to struggle. Also cars are getting bigger now and spaces, I swear are getting smaller, so it is virtually impossible to park in a "normal space". Literally the other day, I couldn't park anywhere at my local Somerfield, and had to go home and wait till later on in the day, as my car couldn't fit into any car parking spaces. Not because my car is big, but because everyone elses are, and they don't care how they park. Also not that long ago, I yet again couldn't get into a parent and baby parking space, so I had to pull half in a space, put my baby in his buggy and then leave him while I finished parking. That is just plain disgusting and very dangerous.

There thats my rant over! Many thanks for letting me get that off my chest lol x
I to have just noticed this thread, again I would just like bigger spaces for mother and child spaces. I have five children ranging in age from 16yrs to 14 months.My hubby is also disabled and the abuse we get when we park in a disabled space because he is 27 yrs and has Hypermobility syndrom, which means he can't walk very far without causing him a great deal of pain. I have taken to puting his blue badge photo up to head the abuse off. When I saw a woman parking in a disabled space with no badge, I ask her what her disablilty was " I'm not disabled it just the other spaces are to small." So I followed her into the shop and asked her agian in a very loud voice why if she was not disabled why she had parked in a disabled space, she just looked at me as did everyone else. So I then said " I know what your disability is lazyitis" and then I walked away to silence from her and claps and laughter from others. Mean I know but I was just so angry.
Sorry for the rant but glad it is off my chest too.:)
:lol:Good on u hun!
I know exactly how your hubby feels, Anne Marie. My son-in-law has MS and can only walk a short distance. However, he is only 31 yrs old and won't have a disabled badge because he says he will get abuse from other people because he doesn't LOOK disabled! I know where he is coming from, don't you? Babs xx
What Sonia and I find really annoying is when lots of disabled parking spaces are taken up by able-bodied pensioners who don't have disabled badges but who think they have a "right" to park there. Or, even worse, young people who aren't disabled using a disabled space because they are just plain lazy. Whereas we need a decent amount of space for Sonia to be able to transfer into her wheelchair from the passenger seat of the car.
I have a blue badge as i have achilles tendonitis, fibromialga & arthritus and have limited movement in my ankles & wrists.

Every step i make is pure agony and most days i muddle through on pain killers BUT its very rare i use it.

I always have it on show in the car but opt for parking in a normal space and leave disabled for those that have wheelchairs. Ive had people come up to me tapping on the window pointing to a disabled spot but decline it.

To be honest im not 100% sure on where i can use it and even park and pay to be on the safe side! :lol:

The only time i do get annoyed is when im out and about (especialy at the supermarket) and i have cj with me (which is always) and for love nor money can i get a ruddy mother and baby space.

Its bad enough walking with ankles that dont bend and wrists that are swollen and have little grip without struggling with a 14 month old as well.

I applaud the shops that are dishing out tickets for misuse of parking...these spaces are made larger and more conveinient for a reason and they do not include...

The old who dont have a badge but think they are entitles because they are over 60.

High flying sales reps who have 10 mins to grab a sarnie so park there because they are nearer the door.

The young boy racers who are JUST waiting for their mates who have run in for a crate of beer.

The "im only nipping to the cash point" :mad:

I might be registered disabled but certainly dont like to class my self as disabled and for that reason while ever i have the ability to park in a jo blogs space i will continue to do so and leave the other spaces for those who need them more than me.
My gripe isn't technically about the parking spaces (although it does really annoy me when able-bodied people use the disabled spaces!)...

I completely agree with Sass about online shopping! I have such shopping rage it is unbelievable!!! WHY OH WHY do people take so much space up in the aisles?! WHY do they have to block the aisle with their trolleys?!?!

I actually lost it at some poor old woman once as I was waiting patiently for people to come past a trolley blockage with their trolleys (I was only nipping in for something so I had neither a trolley nor a basket) and this old woman barged right past me!!! That was it... I started screaming and shouting at her for being so rude and why couldn't she just wait patiently like every body else?!?!?!?!

Ooooh... I get into such rages now going supermarket shopping that I'm much better off doing it online.

After all... wasn't it something like a shopping rage incident that resulted in someone's death earlier this week? From someone jumping the queue in a supermarket?

I didn't do it tho.... it wasnae me! :lol: (this time anyway!)
I like to be the one parks far away so no one hits my car with there door!!! and good exercise:)
I'm sorry, but threads about car park spaces get forum space when threads about members achievements in the nail world get closed and told to "Blog It" - words fail me! :irked:

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