Help! I am in urgent need of advice. Two weeks ago I colored by hair with Goldwell. No problem. Today, I got a perm for body. Here's the problem. My hairdresser left the first part of the perm on too long (more than 5 minutes) and then rinsed it out (but not enough because I have residue on my hair) and then she used the neutralizer. She blew dry my hair and I came home. But I wanted to rewash because of the "perm smell" and I use Wen which really has made my hair healthy prior to the perm. Now my hair looks as if it was fried and frizzy unless I put oil on it. I am afraid it will start to fall out though when she blew dry it at the shop, it didn't. Can you please give me any advice. I am so scared my hair will be on my pillow when I wake up in the morning. Thanks.