That's a very nice colour, I've recently discovered that colour touch 9/16 and 8/71 creates a beautiful soft beige colour on prelightened hair maybe you could try that next time if you were looking for something different?I done this highlights I think the longest hair I have done or one of, took me ages lol
However I done it and toned with 7/37 and 873 half half client love it re booked but I'm not sure if I like it that much. Lol. It's nice but could have toned with something else? Would it look nicer? She had red in it tho ;(
this lady had an awful red permanent applied to her base 7 and an awful attempt at balayage! Check out the line at the side
Nice work! Very surprised for crazy colour, it's lovelyView attachment 201522 I used the renbow crazy color lavender and marshmallow [emoji7]
Gorgeous blow dryThis was done the other day! Very happy with result. So was client I may add, hahaha x
Bleached t-section highlights toned with 10.13 and a 7.3 and 7.0 for grey coverage, taken a couple of inches of and added some long layers.
More of my ombre/balayage work recently [emoji4]View attachment 200892View attachment 200893View attachment 200894View attachment 200895View attachment 200896
I took this advice ronray and loved this toner! Thank you!!!That's a very nice colour, I've recently discovered that colour touch 9/16 and 8/71 creates a beautiful soft beige colour on prelightened hair maybe you could try that next time if you were looking for something different?
Hi Hun ... Some of my work I use a big round brush blow dry, or a tapered wand or a cloud nine big wand... I always use a nice serum before I blow dry and after blow dry or styling,,, I then brush through, which is key, and creates more body and the smoothness and softness of the end result xxHi, lovely work just wondered how you got your clients hair so silky smooth, shiny and lovely curls? I struggle with this thx xx