Extension professional cold fusion
Asya, could I ask how you get the wave, is it a wand? & the colours amazing
Sent from my GT-P3110 using SalonGeek mobile app
Hi, 1 from today. I was wondering if I could get some tips on photo finishes please.
150 halo bonds, i was pleased with blending but the camera angle is weird, it not short on 1 side . It was lovely & thick when brushed in a column, but the fan shape makes it looks a bit thin in the picture. Any helpful pointers welcome on angles or finish
Thank you x
Sent from my GT-P3110 using SalonGeek mobile app
I'm fitting a ombré on the weekend 2/33 the clients hair is already long and is a colour 2 all over. How much of the ends of the clients hair should be died to match the colour 33? Any advise for ombré fittings. X
I'm fitting a ombré on the weekend 2/33 the clients hair is already long and is a colour 2 all over. How much of the ends of the clients hair should be died to match the colour 33? Any advise for ombré fittings. X