Well-Known Member
I just wanted to share this, this is standard AAA hair from SJK after 4 months, prebonded, they still felt great and no thickness lost.
This is my first attempt at pre bonded. Please any criticism and feedback to help would be appreciated !! I did find it quite hard to blend as the lady had short thin hair. Sorry didn't take a before pic. View attachment 60726
Thanks Aphrodite26 for feedback first ) the client actually already bought the hair and I it's fitted them for her. The ends are quite thin so I'm definitely guessing they arn't double drawn, as you can probably tell. It was 18' and I would have said around 0.5g and I used around 100 bonds, but that is a guess due to the client buying it herself. I really couldn't have gone any higher, if I did it would have been one more row at max as when I put the hair down her short layers was barely covering the bonds.
Do you think I should have fitted them a little closer ? I was told that I should have not left any gap between rows but in training, got told to leave a thin layer due to a more natural look.