Biab/Gel polish/Acrylic HELPPPP!!


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Aug 30, 2022
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Hi all.
I’m a fully qualified nail technician and beauty therapist. I’ve got qualifications in CND Shellac and Acrylic nails. I’m looking at adding BIAB into my list of treatments. I’m fully insured by the Beauty Guild.
I’m just wondering if I need to get a separate qualification for BIAB or can I do it without a qualification because I have an acrylic qualification and a Gel Polish qualification.
All comments are gratefully appreciated:)
Yes you need a gel qualification, it's different to gel polish
Yes you need a gel qualification, it's different to gel polish
I did think I would do but just wanted to ask! Thank you! :)
Essentially a qualification is a constructed course validated through an examining board or (in more obscure areas of study) a more experienced and qualified practitioner in your field. I know we are all aware, qualifications are not divine secrets passed on to a chosen few only become decipherable to mortals via a financial transaction.
Learning your times table without an accreditation is still your times table (showing my age there).
In terms of insurance - you may need a recognised exam body to prove your skills are to the standard claimed or insurance could be void, but not necessarily - that I would look into in more depth before making plans...
I'm new to this and it is just one opinion, but - personally - I think that you don't automatically need a course for every new technique and medium used in order to be able to deliver a professional and safe service - with the proviso that you are a competent, dilligent student and academically minded enough to know whether you are meeting professional standards or not. The main thing is that we never do anything unsafe, never lie to clients and never over promise on what we can capably deliver within our skillset. Certification is an objective and measurable proof that as a students we've reached a predetermined standard of learning on the subject studied and understand our subject well enough to qualify - or just have a good memory 😁
I should add - I'm not in any way anti courses in order to improve skillsets - sometimes it's the only safe option especially for the self employed (E files being a prime example).... I just think that done properly, self education is where all industries began in a way.... 🤔
No shade to anyone - just giving my 2cents - pax ☮️ 💕
Think of this from an insurance perspective. Insurers wont cover you for things you arent properly qualified in. No matter how much experience you have or how similar it is to what you already do. Its like driving different vehicles. Imagine you are qualified and insured to ride a motorbike. However you have safely driven a car for years, but not actually taken the test. If you crash in the car, would the insurer pay out?

The experience and self education you have is largely irrelevant if you arent qualified and insured and something goes wrong. Even if you practice something safely for years, mistakes happen and unfortunately sometimes false accusations are made. It's a risk that some people take, but certainly isn't advisable.

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