Judge Gigi-Honorary Geek
There was nothing untoward with the original post as it related to a query by someone interested in becoming a professional, so why was it moved to the consumer section?
Anything to do with mentioning the dreaded word 'ebay' perhaps???
Perhaps the forum should be renamed CND/Shellac/S2 lovers only and a ban on using the word ebay in any non-consumer post?
Feel the lurve...![]()
The person writing the original post is a not a professional .. therefore a consumer .. therefore it has been moved to the consumer forum as it should be. Another silly post and another silly question.
Ebay is not a professional place to buy products .. it is a place where non professionals go to buy . If they were professionals they would buy from a professionally recognised legally authorized source of supply .. naturally. What is it to do with lURVE, bumblebungle?