Business | The Power Of The Beauty Blogger


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The Ed.

Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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SalonGeek HQ
If the rise of the beauty industry wasn't phenomenal enough, it's nothing compared to the rise of the beauty blogger. The beauty blogger is becoming recognised and the single most powerful influence when it comes to beauty brands and products. That's kind of a big deal.

A recent conference in France organised by the French trade organisation FEBEA, saw brands, PR departments and bloggers come together to exchange on mutual expectations. It was decided that the main success factor was individualising relationships with bloggers.

So why are bloggers so influential? It's the 'realness'. The internet means that anyone can pick up a blogsite and start reviewing products. That means that beauty bloggers are just like you and me - that's why consumers listen to them. The internet also means they have access to literally millions of potential customers in an instant - that's why brands and PR companies like them.

Of course, not every beauty blogger is influential. Simply setting up an online blog does not a beauty blogger make. Getting your opinion heard and valued is a hard, hard slog and one that takes hours and hours of dedication every single day of your live long life. For every bona fide blogger there's ten ' beauty blaggers' in it for the free products...

But, if you've got a product and you want to get it out could do a lot worse than send it to one of the best beauty bloggers out there.

Until then...geek on!

The Ed.


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