Buying a UV Lamp


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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2004
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I am keen to have a go with gel & therefore need to buy a lamp. My question is which one? I know some systems require a specific lamp, Brisa for example but this surely does not apply to all systems across the board.
I want a lamp which will allow me to try one gel, say EZ Flow & if I don't get on with that gel try another & another ............. but still use the same lamp. Is this possible?

I'm sure this makes sense to some of you out there so if you could give me a push in the right direction, perhaps list which systems you use with which lamp (wattage/brand or both) I would be most grateful. What has really confused me is the wattage. Do I buy a 6, 9, 36 watt lamp?

Hope some of you will help me out.

I think I gave you a pretty comprehensive answer on your previous thread regarding UV Lamps. There is no one lamp that will work with every system as I explained. Although there are lamps that will work with more than one system (especailly at the cheap end or consumer end of the market).

Also as I explained, wattage has nothing to do with the amount of UV output/intensity of the bulb, but only the power it takes to run the bulb.

There are ways of trying out different systems without necessarily buying the lamp. ie a class!

Not any uv lamp such as a daylight lamp will cure gel. A proper uvlamp for curing nail gels will come with the appropriate bulb in the lamp and you just replace with that same bulb from your distributor.

It is my understanding that you do not wish to purchase a reccommended uv lamp at 70.00 but wish to buy an ordinary uvlight and stick a bulb in it and cure your gels. You will not be able to do it ... if this was a safe and correct option then we would all be doing it. It is not safe to cure gels in this way and gels that are not completely cured are a chemical hazard to you.

If you want a cheap 'n cheerful option to buying professional gels, then Argos and Boots both do consumer-type systems to play with. If you are wanting to offer gels professionally then I suggest you rely on the expert information given to you via this website and do a class with a good quality gel system which will come with the appropriate uvlamp for that system.
Sadly, there is no lamp like that. It is impossible to make a light that works with a broad range of gels.
Many gels may use similar UV emission lights... but thats always near impossible to tell unless you know the level of photoinitiators and the sensitivity thereof.
Why not contact the various distributors of the lines you would like to try? Maybe they can help.

Good luck
Geeg. Could I be so bold as to ask you to check your facts before you shoot your mouth off. You have NEVER given me a comprehensive answer regarding UV lamps before because I've never asked for one. Check my profile, you'll see what I'm guilty of!!!!!!!!

Your understanding that I want to buy a lamp & stick a bulb in it is totally inaccurate. If you read my thread properly it suggests that I am unsure which lamp wattage one generally purchases as a starter UV Lamp. It may not say it in words but read between the lines, don't make it up.
I simply asked if there was a lamp that would suit several gels before I committed myself to one particular brand, heck I might even hate gel, it's leaving a sour taste just now.

You are not even right in saying that I'm not prepared to fork out £70+ for a lamp either. I don't expect to get one £14.99!!!!!!!!! I don't do nails to play around. It's not a game. I have children to feed & a mortgage to pay. I'm not after 'cheap & cheerful' just 'reliable & resourceful'.

And how many times has it been said on this site that we don't agree that people are able to pop along to Argos or Boots etc, buy a kit & Bob's your uncle another 'nail technician has been born'. Did it hurt when you shot yourself in the foot?

I have read many of your posts & your opinion is more often than not priceless, you were right, Creatives Creme Puff is an excellent white base colour but the tone in some of your posts is poisonous. Don't put people off asking for advice only to feel as if they've faced a firing squad. I'm new to nails, I don't know it all but this site has many people who do & if they don't know they'll sure as hell find out. So offer your advice, give me your opinion but don't give me the tone. I get enough of that from my teenage children.

Terribly sorry Sonia, thought you were the same person who asked this very same question just 2 days ago, Where I gave a very comperehensive answer to the question. A search before you asked the question would have given you the answer you seek. As for poisonous ... a bit over the top I think.

As for shooting my mouth off, I don't think I did. I have answered the question again in the same way as before. No need to be quite so sensitive. If you read the other post asking the very same question, you can possibly see why I answered in the way I did.

Using the search engine is always a good way to start before posing a question as it most likely has been answered before. and answers are meant for the edification of all and not just for the poster .. so comments re argos and boots were not just meant for you personally but for anyone who asks.

Check 'understanding curing lamps' on page 2.
Thank god that was sorted. Can I please point out the posting guidelines at the top of each forum:

Any post you make should always be positive and constructive. I don't mean that you can not complain or debate... It means that no public post should ever be personal. No exceptions. That is why we have the private message facility. If you need to address an issue with a person direct, do so through the Private Message (PM) facility.
It is very easy to misconstrue or misinterpret posts and I think it is only fair we give each other the benefit of the doubt to maintain a board that will benefit countless nail technicians around the world for years to come.
Be very careful with negative comments of any kind. If you comments are negative without some constructive point then it may be subject to deletion.

Here is a link to the rest of the shpiel

Always keep in mind how easy it is to miscontrue meaning through postings.

Take care... and try to love one another -Jerry Springer
Geeg & Geek

OK that's cool, all sorted. I really don't want to offend anyone but I asked a simple question, what gel/gels work with your lamp?

I don't believe for one minute that every gel technician only uses the lamp reletive to their branded gel. I've had nails done where the gel & lamp are not of the same brand & it's worked. People are not keen to admit that they use X brand gel with X UV lamp because they are aware that in an ideal world you ought to work within the same 'tool brand' as much as possible. I did read the post that you refered to but my question which gel/which lamp was not answered. It was in depth & informative but not quite what I was looking for.

I don't need a slanging match with anyone but it's so frustating to not be able to scream... It wasn't me... That's not what I meant.....etc. What is the exact temperature at which blood will boil? LOL JOKING

Anyway we are all adults so lets just read, learn & help one another as best we can. There is so much I have learnt from this site & clearly so much more I need to learn so 'Happy Posting to You All' ( getting in the swing for Christmas!!!!!!)

princessmowgli said:
Geeg & Geek

OK that's cool, all sorted. I really don't want to offend anyone but I asked a simple question, what gel/gels work with your lamp?

I don't believe for one minute that every gel technician only uses the lamp reletive to their branded gel. I've had nails done where the gel & lamp are not of the same brand & it's worked. People are not keen to admit that they use X brand gel with X UV lamp because they are aware that in an ideal world you ought to work within the same 'tool brand' as much as possible. I did read the post that you refered to but my question which gel/which lamp was not answered. It was in depth & informative but not quite what I was looking for.

I don't need a slanging match with anyone but it's so frustating to not be able to scream... It wasn't me... That's not what I meant.....etc. What is the exact temperature at which blood will boil? LOL JOKING

Anyway we are all adults so lets just read, learn & help one another as best we can. There is so much I have learnt from this site & clearly so much more I need to learn so 'Happy Posting to You All' ( getting in the swing for Christmas!!!!!!)


The problem is, that what you think has worked ie cured, may not have.

Under curing is something you cannot always see or feel. A gel may look cured because it is hard and shiney, but infact may not be fully cured, and this is where the problems lie. Many are using lamps that are not giving out the full amount of UV necessary because the bulbs are old. How do you know??? YOu don't. You just have to be zealous about changing your bulbs at regular intervals and hope they are doing the job required of them.

It would be great if there was a universal lamp that worked with every product line, but products vary too much for this to be a possibility. I'm sure you are correct that not every gel user uses the appropriate lamp for their system, but this does not mean they are working either correctly or safely .. in some cases they may be, and in some cases not. Many gels are manufactured by the same 'manufacturer' and in that case one lamp would be ok for several different lines BUT you cannot rely on this being true with every gel, particularly the more sophisticated systems ... definitely not with those.

Most well known product lines are good at doing the job. If you have a loyalty to one company then trust them to provide what you need, and go with it. Buy the system with the appropriate UV Lamp and you will be sure that you have the right tools for the job.

Again sorry for the mix up the other night. I thought you landed on me quite hard, but I have broad shoulders and the information hasn't changed ... wrong person but we all make mistakes and as I had only answerd a very similar question not 12 hours before, I assumed (one should never assume) it was the same poster. I have learned a lesson.
I use Azentz gels (Options Protein Shield being my bestest favourite! :lol: ) with a Jazzy looking (albeit bulky!) Disco Lamp. I have never had any problems as yet!
I change my bulbs very regularly to make sure they give out their best!
Good Luck Sonia!

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