CBD Facial and Massage


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Jan 13, 2017
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Scottish Borders
Morning...first post sine 2017 🤪 Do any of you offer CBD Oil massage or facial treatments? I'm interested in this for mainly my sports massage clients but wondering how to spot reputable and safe oil suppliers - and do I need extra training? I'm qualified in Beauty Therapy, Swedish Massage, Sports & Remedial Massage. Any ideas? Thanks!
CBD Spa Services provide their clients CBD Oil massage. CBD massage oil contains hemp which conditions the skin, making it supple and soft. Not only does this CBD oil you feel better and more relaxed after the massage, but it can also help with skin conditions such as eczema, acne, or even just dry skin. you don't need extra training to provide this CBD massage service for your clients.
I've explored bringing CBD into my massage studio. From speaking with my insurer, they did require additional training to show that I was more trained on the topic and inquired if it were to be used only in treatments or for retail as well.

I found a school in Scotland (the-academy.co.uk) that did an online training course that is accredited by CIBTAC.

In all honesty, I've not ventured too far into the course as I've been overwhelmed since opening our business in October. So far, it all seems very in depth and worth the price.

Another point to be aware of is protecting yourself in case of a lawsuit, this may require your CBD product supplier to make certain assurances to the quality and exclusion of THC. These products are newly on the market and still in their infancy - laws haven't all caught up yet.

In the US where this trend has boomed (earlier than in the UK) lawsuits have emerged where their were traces of THC in the CBD oil (they were told there was no THC), and lost their employment as a lorry driver as they are regularly drug tested - eek!

This could be also be an issue for civil servants and athletes who may have this type of testing in their contracts, putting us in a pickle if a similar situation occurs.

I've only made arrangements for trainee insurance for the time be, so haven't gotten to the bottom of all of these questions - but worth bringing up with your insurer.

CBD oil suppliers - I've only sampled some products and can't endorse any as I've had little experience time wise with them, however I really liked CBD Queen.

The prices were hugely competitive and at a point where I could change ÂŁ10 per CBD add-on and make a decent profit. I seriously explored around 6 suppliers to come to this conclusive and would happily go with them when I pull the trigger.

Just my two pence but I would be sure to inform all guests that this is an EXPERIMENTAL type of product, and that they may or may not appreciate some of the benefits. A lot of people seeing these products out experience quite chronic conditions and a balm on the skin will only go so far. Just another small tool that could be helpful.

For this reason, I think charging a king's ransom for this can be...immoral?

Anyhow, good luck!
In terms of training, if you’re already set up with massage qualifications, you probably won’t need much extra, but some insurers do want to see specific CBD handling training.

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