Just don't treat her! If she has some sort of skin problems/allergy/irritation it's best she doesn't have anything that may exasperate it. Unless she gets a doctor note to say it's ok, I would just leave it until she's sorted it out.
she can't be allergic to the WATER. that's categorically impossible.
she might be sensitive to something in it. or she might just have some sort of skin condition that has NOTHING to do with water at all. which I bet is the case.
Water, in itself, is hydrogen and oxygen. It is IMPOSSIBLE. IMPOSSIBLE. IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to be allergic to water. If she was, she would be dead. You can't survive without ingesting water, and water exists in all drinks and food.
It's something IN the water. Let's be REALLY clear on that.[/QUOTE
No sure if you should be saying that if your not a Doctor!!!
I had a client that was alergic to water as well. She could drink it but when she was splashed or sprayed she came up with these huge welts and they were itchy. I say this first hand when I shampooed her hair at the basin, sprays went on her face and her face about 5 min later looked like I had slapped her around. They lasted about 35 min, she told us what was going on when the welts appeared and said if she slides into a bath shes okay but any sprays,sprinkles or anything thrown at here(water that is) makes welts. she could not drink soda water as it hurt her too, so she drank slowly and everthing was all good...
I am glad that worked lol I don't know how to do a link on here I am rubbish with computers.
Last time I spoke to her she had a new cream prescribed by the doctor. A cortisone steroid cream or something. She has to apply twice a day but she said it still doesn't work. She did move away about a year ago and that's when it started, she is back home now with her parents but rash is getting worse. It started with patches on her trunk that's why she first thought she had shingles. Doctor is sending her for tests. I will let you all what happens.
I won't treat her I am too scared, don't want to cause her any discomfort, unless she has a doctors note but even then I think I would be too scared.
Bumped into her walking up the shop. It's September the air is damp, it's very warm, she has a cardigan on to cover her skin but sweating underneath and itching like mad. I felt so sorry for her. She is on the shortest waiting list to refer her to a specialist at the hospital.
Rain water, drinking water, bath/shower water but not swimming water she took her little boy swimming the other day the chlorine in the water was very strong but she said she felt great. It is the strangest thing! She drank water last night and started sneezing and a rash appeared. She can't even wash the dishes. As I was talking to her she was scratching all over and had bumps on her face, her face was puffed and she rubbing her eyes she said she hasn't been able to see properly all day and behind her ears were puffed and swollen. She has scratched her legs and made them bleed. She wore flip flops in the day and it rained and her feet swelled. It's making her tired all she wants to do is sleep.
I thought I had it bad having hey-fever but I have never seen anything like this before. She had a set of stick on's on her nails which to be honest with you I am glad about I know it sounds awful but if I used anything on her that caused her to flare up and hurt her I couldn't live with myself.
She is seeing the doctor first thing Monday.x
Bumped into her walking up the shop. It's September the air is damp, it's very warm, she has a cardigan on to cover her skin but sweating underneath and itching like mad. I felt so sorry for her. She is on the shortest waiting list to refer her to a specialist at the hospital.
Rain water, drinking water, bath/shower water but not swimming water she took her little boy swimming the other day the chlorine in the water was very strong but she said she felt great. It is the strangest thing! She drank water last night and started sneezing and a rash appeared. She can't even wash the dishes. As I was talking to her she was scratching all over and had bumps on her face, her face was puffed and she rubbing her eyes she said she hasn't been able to see properly all day and behind her ears were puffed and swollen. She has scratched her legs and made them bleed. She wore flip flops in the day and it rained and her feet swelled. It's making her tired all she wants to do is sleep.
I thought I had it bad having hey-fever but I have never seen anything like this before. She had a set of stick on's on her nails which to be honest with you I am glad about I know it sounds awful but if I used anything on her that caused her to flare up and hurt her I couldn't live with myself.
She is seeing the doctor first thing Monday.x