Client today, make up your mind!


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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2010
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shaftesbury dorset
I had a client today and she has her hair permed and looks like she just grew it out long and no shape to it at all, she had her hair done in march, she asked me to make it more modern so I used razors to make it thinner and so it would stand up for her, the sides are brushed back caused she asked me to do that and I cut about an inch off like she wanted, I blow dryed it with her fringe and the rest up and back if you know what I mean and her sides blueshift away from face but covering ears, hope that makes sense. Anyway I did it and it looked great, it suits her really well and showed her and she said hmm not sure if I like it, it's too modern, I felt like saying well you bloody asked me to make it more modern cause the other hairdresser made her look old. It really did suit her and I wasn't just saying it you know? I said look you probably don't like how I blow-dried it so just tweak a few things and where you want your hair to go. She did and I said look in the big mirror it will look better and she did and said it's probably cause I'm not used to it and I said yes probably, let me put on some hairspray and style it more for you and I did and she said I quite like it actually just need to get used to it, I showed her, her hair before I blow-dried and she said looks good then blow dried and she didn't like it? She says I will tell you next week if I like it or not when you see your other client here, I said ok. Her grandson came in and it looked like she was gonna cry, I mean come on, it wasn't even that big of a change, just styled it more. Took at least 1 inch off everywhere. Sorry it's like an essay, what do I do if she says she doesn't like it? I have a feeling she will ring me up saying she doesn't. :( made me down, i did a really good job!! I don't get it!
What she doesn't like is probably her own face!!!

Change of any sort is really hard for some people. They don't like hpow they look, but scared to look different so you cannot win.

A good clue is that they only speak in negatives during consultation. Along the lines of; "I don't want too much off, I don't want any layers and I hate fringes, but I want something different".

If you come across one of these people, you have to MAKE them give positives such as "I want it blunt across the back" rather than "I don't want it wispy across the back".

Also it will give you time to brace yourself for the inevitable whining when you finish.

After all, it's a comb and scissors, not a magic wand xx
poor you :hug: , i did my friend the other day and the conversation went like this
me .. how much do you want taking off

her oh just a trim .. about 3-4 inches !!

me (showing her how much 3 inchs was on my comb ).. r u sure ? thats more than a trim ..

her oh yes i dont think i am ready for that

me .. good job i didnt do as i was told then aint it , :lol:

can you imagine what she would have been like if i had done it ! my god she would have branded me as a scissor happy mad woman , lmao
I play this game:
me - how do you want it?
them - Oh, just do whatever you think
me - ok, but tell me what you don't like, its you who sees your hair every day.
them - I hate it when they make it stick out at the sides, and I hate seeing this bit behind my ears etc. etc.

at least you know then what not to do??

but even then I had a client who has a very boring bob with a fringe, i mentioned altering it last time maybe graduating the back a little , no, no no. I saw her walking along the other day with a graduated bob - argghhh!!
Hi, thanks for your replies, I did say that's like an inch and a bit you want taking off cause she grabbed it and said she then said oh maybe an inch then, I did then razored it cause she says her hair never stays up and lasts so I did that and look what she does? It brings me down cause I did do a good job, I'd like it more modern please, did it modern, oh it's too modern! I hate clients like this makes me want to just walk out and get upset.
What she doesn't like is probably her own face!!!

Change of any sort is really hard for some people. They don't like hpow they look, but scared to look different so you cannot win.

A good clue is that they only speak in negatives during consultation. Along the lines of; "I don't want too much off, I don't want any layers and I hate fringes, but I want something different".

If you come across one of these people, you have to MAKE them give positives such as "I want it blunt across the back" rather than "I don't want it wispy across the back".

Also it will give you time to brace yourself for the inevitable whining when you finish.

After all, it's a comb and scissors, not a magic wand xx

haha thats a brilliant quote :)
do you think shes freaked coz you used a razor ? even though you did the same cut she prob feels like you did something really out there coz you used a different tool ?

i love using razors but you just have to be careful not to over do it , but i love the effect they have on the hair sometimes it can make a cut look just that bit edgier .. theres a fab girl on you tube that does razor cuts .. she lives in california and i have always said i would love to go to her for training shes fantastic
do you think shes freaked coz you used a razor ? even though you did the same cut she prob feels like you did something really out there coz you used a different tool ?

i love using razors but you just have to be careful not to over do it , but i love the effect they have on the hair sometimes it can make a cut look just that bit edgier .. theres a fab girl on you tube that does razor cuts .. she lives in california and i have always said i would love to go to her for training shes fantastic

Hi sorry its not to do with the original post but would you mind tellin me what videos they are i get so nervous doin razor cuts :( x
As persionista said, she is probably a negative person. These are also the same kind of clients who come in saying that all these other hairdressers/nail techs have butchered their hair and nails, they are miserable, moaning about their inlaw etc, how they have a salon/hairdresser phobia etc. Some of these clients actualy become regulars and as you get to know them they are not that bad, but some you see them once or twice and they are never happy with what ANYONE does! So dont worry, if I have a bad client, I think of all the great other clients I have and try not to worry, if you know you did a job 100% to the best standard and it was suiting and exactly what they wanted in consultation, well what more can you do! x
Hi, yea I did to a good job and I did what she said, it just bugs me cause it makes me lose confidence in myself, yea I did to razoring a bit cause she complained that hair always stays flat and doesn't last long cause it's all heavy on top and sides. She said I want something more modern cause it's all limp and flat and I did it so her hair will last when she puts it in a style. You can't win with some clients even if you are proud of the outcome you did. Argh!
You do get moaners and in general it wouldnt matter what you do they still moan...i think they pay to moan rather than get their hair done!
Ive do a lady who moans EVERY time i do her hair??? but i must be doing something right as ive done her hair every 6 weeks for 2 years!!!!
Please don't be down about it!
It's so good to hear that you are confident knowing you did well :)
If she calls maybe just reassure her not to feel bad it looks amazing but maybe have a good think about what she would like done to it next time x

Or ask a mate to pop by when you know she's coming in the salon, get her to hang around and wait for the client to leave "casually" walk past and comment on how amazing her hair looks :p x

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I'm a mobile hairdresser so dunno how to go about that one, I'm seeing her Monday to check up on her cause she is in the same building as my regular client. I'll tell you guys what she says, hopefully something positive :( x
Please don't be down about it!
It's so good to hear that you are confident knowing you did well :)
If she calls maybe just reassure her not to feel bad it looks amazing but maybe have a good think about what she would like done to it next time x

Or ask a mate to pop by when you know she's coming in the salon, get her to hang around and wait for the client to leave "casually" walk past and comment on how amazing her hair looks :p x

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ok so i went to see her today and knocked on her door cause she said she would come out and see me to tell me if she liked it, i knocked and she answered I said "hi, you alright?" her reply was no and i asked her why and she said i wanted to feathered etc and i said well i'm sorry you dont like it but i did what you asked of me, now she had it all chopped i mean really short, she said how i did it didnt look right which was a load of bollocks! She wanted 2 inches off, i did it, she wanted her hair to stay up and last a while when blowdried, i did it, she said she wanted it to go across her ears so i did it, it looks way more modern then i did and she said well its very short but will just have to wait for it to grow out, is she ever not freakin happy? She might aswell have left her hair how i did it if she wanted it to grow out! She told me she didnt want her hair short at all and she goes and does that? I dont know whats up with her, has brought me down even more!
lol so i gather shes gone elsewhere and had the lot chopped off ? dont let it get you down hun even now shes not happy with someone else doing it :eek: please tho next time tell her your busy and dont try do her hair , clients like this are just a royal pain i would rather miss out on money than deal with toxic ones like this ,:hug: xxxx
lol so i gather shes gone elsewhere and had the lot chopped off ? dont let it get you down hun even now shes not happy with someone else doing it :eek: please tho next time tell her your busy and dont try do her hair , clients like this are just a royal pain i would rather miss out on money than deal with toxic ones like this ,:hug: xxxx

Yea i know but you dont know what they are gonna be like until you turn up and you hear them complain about something, i dread doing people now, i have been going for a year and have had 2 people throw a tissy, is that good or bad? I know not everyone is gonna like how you do their hair but its not nice to actually have it done to you. :( xxx
oh hun i feel for you .. we have all been there and no doubt we all will no matter how many yrs we are in the biz , i know it knocks your confidence well and truly but you have got to learn to let it go over you .. this is the prob with being in the public service industry its not great but every trade wether it be doctors , dentist , nail tech , hairdressers , florists get peed off clients at some time :hug:
i have had it done to me there are times it was warranted and times it wasnt but you just got to look forward and hope the next one is a nice one , lol
Harden your heart. This client sounds impossible. You WILL get over this and forget about her. I would not do her hair again though.

In my early years as a hairdresser, I had loads of weepers.
Don't let her undermine your confidence as a stylist!

I am firmly of the opinion that Stylist/Client relationships are either 'matched' or not! Sometimes no matter how hard you try, you will just never 'click' with certain people. It's no different from other areas of life..

In a year or so's time you will have your regular clients who love the way YOU do their hair and you only! I found this built my confidence up no end, and if I do get the odd person who gets a bit funny I just brace myself and be firm.. You are in charge xxxx
thanks guys, i do feel a little better its just she is in a retirment private building where i do some others and i have to see her everyday i pull up to park cause her house happens to be there, she is the kind of person to spread things around the building if you know what I mean, I shouldnt have done her in the first place, yea I'll try to harden up a bit its just that it was extreme to have it all chopped off cause she didnt like it. She couldnt do anything with it and it looked a mess, argh rude rude woman! If I have a complainer again that doesnt like this and that, what do I say so I dont have to cut her hair? xx

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