Clients after Covid-19


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I’ve never really understood the temperature thing. They say it can take up to 2 weeks to show symptoms & the time a person is most infectious is in the first 5-7 days.
If someone becomes infected the day before visiting a salon, they’re not showing symptoms at the time but do in the next few days or so, will their temperature flag up as high? Probably not, so they’ve put you at risk & god knows how many other people.
Not everyone gets a temperature with the virus & there’s so many normal factors that can be reason for a raised temperature I think it’s pointless to waste money that a lot of us haven’t got at the moment.
I totally agree about the symptoms and fever. The NHS website is very behind the WHO with symptoms but both still state fever as a symptom though . The government may well decide to use NHS info when issuing our guidelines. I needed one for home as my ancient digital one had broken so I bought a contactless that I can use on clients anyway if needed but not a total waste of money if it stays in the medical cabinet. Life will be so much better when they issue our guidelines
Iv read today that we will have to take the temperature of each client - has anyone bought any thermometers or are there any throw way ones you can get?
Also is anyone putting their prices up to cover any extra costs of ppe etc? Or just in general?
I want to keep everything fair but obviously we need to make money and having less clients in at one time will not help that x

I’m absolutely raising prices to include PPE. I will probably make it into sets, like clean my hands, put gloves on and a mask so I can put them all in a clean bag or to be more eco, make a filing centre of couch roll folded up with a fresh set inside so I just lay it all out ready for them by the door. Always clean and only touched with clean hands.

I happened to also buy thousands for disposable slippers when I got my new carpet so nobody will be walking in here i’m their own shoes but will change them at the door and keep all their belongings in a box

One for client, one for me, no need to faff.

Won’t be giving gloves to clients, just telling them not to touch anything except the couch. I will shut and open all doors. Hand sanitiser on way in and way out and make sure they don’t touch their face.

For me: Gloves, goggles, mask, shield, apron.
Client: Mask, shield.

Simply because time and again over the last 8 years i’ve been able to contain myself sneezing and coughing even with tickly throats and severe hay fever but they cough and slobber all over the I need more protection than they do from me. Their risk is just breathing in, not sneeze or cough and not even from surfaces as they won’t be touching. If I really had to Id be running outside to do it and putting on a fresh mask, I can’t say the same for them.

They just have to sanitise on the way out and take their mask and shield home with them, clean it with their own wipes in the car or whatever. I might put a bin outside the front door. Don’t want them removing masks indoors.

I already have to wash my uniforms between each client as I am a sweaty betty so no change there O just dump them in with towels

Temperature I will be buying a contactless thermometer and do it while they are in the car I guess save them getting out. I haven’t bought one yet but getting there with all my ppe etc.

I don’t really think it will cost that much per person but i’ve spent £90 just on sanitiser and dispensers. Though I’m loving that I don’t have to worry on my way into the house now. More of a joint purchase

I want less clients and that was my plan going into the year, moving further away, putting prices up, so I could have more time as I was shattered. So Id be happy with one a week or a day to start with, it won’t happen overnight. I’m really hoping I don’t get bombarded the day Boris says go back as I will probably give up altogether.

I just tested negative for antibodies but my family member positive. I was very ill for months but they were ill for a short time. I had all the symptoms including breathless..cold, headache, extreme fatigue, dry cough with no droplets when sneezing or coughing..a day of no taste and smell and grew a polyp up my nose that disappeared as quick as it appeared. .but they had a ‘chest infection’ and a migraine and they were then fine. No knowledge of them having temperature. They are on frontline with covid and I also have a friend elsewhere in nhs. They have tried a few things from 7 days on and off so that if you get symptoms on the week off you stay off, and then a 5 days on and off as most symptoms appear on day 5. So I mean...I’m quite tempted to see one client every 5 days.

If my family member got it in head to toe PPE in a hospital setting...I feel like we have no chance and a thermometer and a mask and shield won’t do sh*t. But if I start and am scared I will just stop.
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I've had a super hard time finding what I need to get abreast of reopening. One site had some awesome bandless, hair friendly masks called greenair at this website: here . I'm trying to locate the thermometers too. They are not required for where I am at, but I want them just in case. It all makes me nervous. Looking forward to it being over!
It won’t be long before we have the government guidelines. The industry professional bodies are meeting with government to discuss what to put in place.
Probably best to just wait until you know exactly what you have to provide/do otherwise you will spend a fortune on unnecessary stuff and get stressed out into the bargain.
I don’t think it helps reading posts on various forums where people are listing a huge range of PPE- just worries therapists and adds to the stress.

Save your spending until you know the definite guidance and follow the science of how a virus can be passed on.
I'm hoping we can lend a hand with some of the PPE requirements. If you have any questions about finding quality products and which to use do let us know and hopefully we can help you out.
Not a fan of how that article made it sound like we WANT to cut out "the little luxuries". Not like we have a choice... I'm not buying anything that's not required. More people have already contracted the virus than we thought would, and most are asymptomatic, as someone already mentioned above. This is based on a study they did in Los Angeles, and I believe it was repeated in NYC (you can fact-check me on that one, I didn't read it myself). I'm lucky that the majority of my clients don't fall in the category of "at risk". Plus, it's nearly impossible to tell where someone contracted the virus, as it could have been on public transport on the way to or from the salon, etc. etc. I'm doing what I'm required to do in terms of prevention, but que sera sera. We can't control everything or be responsible for the health of all of our clients.

Sorry for the rant :p
Are we allowed to do 2 clients or: put colour on and while developing do another client, if there is enough space in the salon? Or is it 1 client at a time?
I could do with finding this out .. I do rent chairs but there maybe days where I’m in the salon alone and could easily do 2 clients spaced far enough, have already checked with a few clients that I normally do this with if they would still be ok with it and they said yes but don’t know if going to be allowed?
Regarding the temperature thing. I had a hospital appointment last week. To gain entry you had to say if you had any symptoms (there was a printed list posted up and a guard at the door). Once inside your temperature was taken and written on a slip for you to show your consultant and you were given a mask to wear.
Any thoughts on Mobile therapy regulations
I could do with finding this out .. I do rent chairs but there maybe days where I’m in the salon alone and could easily do 2 clients spaced far enough, have already checked with a few clients that I normally do this with if they would still be ok with it and they said yes but don’t know if going to be allowed?

Previously, you’d nip to the client having their bleach highlights and open a couple of foils to check progress, then you’d return to your client and continue cutting her hair. I’ve not read up on U.K. guidelines as I’m in Ireland, but I don’t think that you can do this now unless you’re cleaning and changing your PPE as you move between the two chairs.
Previously, you’d nip to the client having their bleach highlights and open a couple of foils to check progress, then you’d return to your client and continue cutting her hair. I’ve not read up on U.K. guidelines as I’m in Ireland, but I don’t think that you can do this now unless you’re cleaning and changing your PPE as you move between the two chairs.

That’s exactly what I’m used to doing :( I really don’t mind cleaning and change of Ppe to do the two clients as I have the space but need to know if I’m even allowed to.. my salon is located within a larger building and they have already decided to shorten the opening hours so loss of working hours and 1 to 1 with clients is making it extremely difficult for me to get everybody back in. I open tomorrow and I am still making my way through the waiting list is there anybody on here that is planning on doing multiple clients at a time obviously following the change of Ppe etc

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