CND Beginner kit help please?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
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Hi everyone! I'm a total newbie to the site, though have been in the beauty industry on and off for 10years.
Anyway, after having 2 kids I've taken the plunge and decided to set up for myself doing mobile beauty.
I am starting on my Shellac beginners course on Monday but so far have been given no info on the kit I'll be receiving.
Could any of you lovely people give me any info on what to expect? Should I order the files/buffers from S2 before I go in or are they all included?
Thanks in advance!
Your best bet would be to speak to S2 about what is included, (usually the kit includes everything you need for that day but you may need top up's for home work - it's been a while since I did a course so it may have changed) depending on where you're training there is often a shop within the Acadamy so you can top up or add to your kit if you want.

Its very exciting, have fun on Monday
Thanks! I have tried to ask S2 before but the lady I spoke to just told me I couldn't purchase any CND branded stuff until I had done the course. Didn't really answer my question!
I think I'll get in touch with my educator and see what she says.
Thank you!
I did mine in July. We got;

Two shellac colours
Two French colours
Xpress 5 top coat
Base coat
Cuticle away
Cool blue
Shellac remover and foil wraps
Orange stick
Isopropyl alcohol
Mundo wipes
Mundo paper roll
A cuticle pusher
A Kanga file.
Cnd uv lamp.

It was like Christmas come early.

You don't buff with shellac.
Ah that's great! Thank you so much. How did you find the course? Xx
I did mine in March and got almost the same as fluffycloudland only I got the original topcoat. It included cream puff, romantique, wildfire & tropix. The only thing I needed to get was a curette x
It was brilliant, loved it.

I've bought a Curette too.
That's super helpful ladies, thank you! I shall purchase myself a curette! Xxx
Good luck, I'm starting my course tomorrow in Leeds. Up until last week my s2 account was restricted, but from this week I was able to place orders, so bought a load more colours ready to get started. Can't see myself actually making any money from this, too much temptation on the website!
Oh really?? I've been saving the money I got given for my birthday to use for colours so I'll have to have a look and see if I can purchase. I know exactly what you mean about the temptation! Which colours did you go for, if you don't mind me asking xx
Oh! And good luck for tomorrow! Xx
I went for the contradictions collection, nice autumn/winter colours. Also bought Ruby Ritz, Ice Vapour and Blackpool. I would like a light and dark pink, grey and a couple of other lighter colours. Then I think that'll do me until spring/summer colours!
Oh I'm torn between the contradictions and the craft culture! Xx
They are both gorgeous. It was the jewel colours that sold it for me, they'll be fab for Christmas
Yeah that's true! I'm hoping I can get my hands on ruby ritz and ice vapour in time for Christmas! X
I can't wait to try those 2 out!
Where are you doing your training? I'm travelling to Leeds to do mine
I think they're gorgeous! I'm doing mine with Clare Wilson in Louth. It's only about 20mins away from me, but she's the only educator in my county so I wonder if the other girls are as local. Xx
I'm starting mine tomorrow so I'll let you know how it goes and hopefully pass on some tips for the test!
Ooh yes please do!! I hope you get on well and enjoy it! Any tips are gratefully received! What are you wearing? It says professional dress so I was just going to go in my salon uniform? Xx
I'm wearing a dress. I don't work in a salon so no uniform. I'll let you know what others are wearing
If you wouldn't mind that would be great! Hope you have a fab day! Tell me all about it! Xx

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