CND lamp- where to get one


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Jan 19, 2014
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I've signed up to do a gelish beginners course and they require you to purchase their kit which is fine, I obviously need a lamp but the most expensive kit is the only one that comes with a lamp and I've been told CND lamp is the best as it cures gelish and cnd shellac? I was just wondering if I can purchase the CND lamp before I'm qualified as I don't want to have to buy the gelish and the CND.

Most websites require your qualification details which is understandable, I just don't want to have to pay out twice for lamps.

The only reason I'm doing gelish course is because it's closer to me so best option otherwise I would have done CND.

You can only buy CND lamps online with sweet squared. However without an account (which you can only open if qualified) you won't be able to buy from them. If your looking at doing gelish you should ideally buy a gelish lamp from nail harmony, you don't need to be qualified to buy from there website. Xx
I believe the CND lamp is out of stock at the moment and as said you can only buy a lamp if qualified

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