Colour complaint


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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2017
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Hi all.

To cut a long story short we received a complaint in our salon over a colour, while there was nothing wrong with the colour and it was what our client had asked for she was not happy. She said she loved it when she left and complained a couple of days later. She was supposed to return to have it looked at by our stylist and never appeared for the appointment. she had it "redone" elsewhere and is now demanding her money back. We have told her our policy is to return to have her hair fixed but she is having none of it and is still demanding her money back.

It got me wondering what all your policies are as it would be nice to see we are not the only salon facing these issues and dealing with the same? I cannot see how someone logically can think that asking for money back while not even returning to see us is acceptable?
Assuming the hairdresser did what was asked for (or agreed after a consultation) then she has no grounds for complaint.
Do you think she's found herself short of cash and wants an easy solution?
I think you've handled it well so far.
I agree that it's sensible to explain to the client that there can be no consideration of a refund or a redo without seeing it first and then it depends on whether you feel the complaint is partially justified.

Obviously, just changing their mind and wanting to go from blonde to brown and back to blonde isn't an acceptable reason.
Clients are complete ballache now a days I don’t remember people being this bad.

Be firm, your policy is you would offer to correct if after assessing what the issue is. As she took this away from you there is nothing up I can do. Good bye ta ta off you go.

I had a client do this - claim her roots didn’t cover at the appointment, two weeks later (due to some story about a funeral) she sent a pic of her roots, claimed the pic was taken the day she left the salon. From a PC we could see the time/date stamp was 6am that morning. Sent that back to her and never heard again.
Assuming the hairdresser did what was asked for (or agreed after a consultation) then she has no grounds for complaint.
Do you think she's found herself short of cash and wants an easy solution?
I think you've handled it well so far.
I agree that it's sensible to explain to the client that there can be no consideration of a refund or a redo without seeing it first and then it depends on whether you feel the complaint is partially justified.

Obviously, just changing their mind and wanting to go from blonde to brown and back to blonde isn't an acceptable reason.

Yep consultation took place prior to colour, options were discussed etc and our stylist went ahead and did what was asked of them!

I’m not sure why she thinks it’s okay to just ask for a refund without us seeing it but not everyone thinks the same I guess! Just glad to see other people think similarly to us in how we have dealt with it :)

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