Ruth Mills
Well-Known Member
That's OK, no worries
Likewise, I think it's OK to fit a *faster* memory chip than your existing one(s) - as long as if you have DDR it's also a DDR chip, or if you have DDR2 then the new chip is also a DDR2 chip, etc (e.g. if you have DDR 2600 memory then DDR 3300 memory should work fine with it) - although you can only run your system as fast as your slowest chip would go, so you wouldn't get any additional benefit from having the faster chip anyway. But check with your motherboard manufacturer to be on the safe side if you are doing this!
Likewise, I think it's OK to fit a *faster* memory chip than your existing one(s) - as long as if you have DDR it's also a DDR chip, or if you have DDR2 then the new chip is also a DDR2 chip, etc (e.g. if you have DDR 2600 memory then DDR 3300 memory should work fine with it) - although you can only run your system as fast as your slowest chip would go, so you wouldn't get any additional benefit from having the faster chip anyway. But check with your motherboard manufacturer to be on the safe side if you are doing this!