Karen Minx
Well-Known Member
I have spent the whole day re-revising my course work on client consultations, conta-intiacations and medical conditions to try and become more familar with it all. Im quite familar with the contra-indications to manicuring and pedicuring because i have D.Schoon book but im trying to get my head around to contra-indications to massage. I dont do much massage treatments at the moment, due to the fact that i dont feel confident performing them and i feel its because its my lack of knowledge in this area.
Im struggling to find information on some of the hand/foot massage contra-indications and why they are contra-indications in the first place? (i need to know why lol) Is there any sites that you could recommend with more in depth information?
Im also trying to find out more information about medical conditions. I've read loads of information about diabetes but i can't find much about rheumatic fever and heart disease and why are these questions on my consultation form? Why is it important for me to know of these two things? Is rheumatic fever and heart disease a contra-indication because its not on my list of contra-indications in my course work?
Im struggling to find information on some of the hand/foot massage contra-indications and why they are contra-indications in the first place? (i need to know why lol) Is there any sites that you could recommend with more in depth information?
Im also trying to find out more information about medical conditions. I've read loads of information about diabetes but i can't find much about rheumatic fever and heart disease and why are these questions on my consultation form? Why is it important for me to know of these two things? Is rheumatic fever and heart disease a contra-indication because its not on my list of contra-indications in my course work?
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