Susie H
Well-Known Member
So - can I still buy the brush heads for my master series sculptor??
If so Im REALLY peeved as they conned me into buying a "replacement" entity brush for £60 as the master series had been discontinued!!!!!
I thought they said they were cheaper
And yes just because they have discontinued a product doesn't mean that the product is no longer available, and that is misleading and trading standards would take a very dim view of it.
In your shoes I would go back to this shop, tell them you don't like being misled and that you want a refund. If they refuse then I would tell them you are going to be taking this further with trading standards.
MK, I understood something different from them.
When I looked into joining Cuticles I asked Anne if she ran the master classes that Cuticles supported. She didn't but she did run a series of classes that did the same thing, i.e. they took someone from the foundation level up to the grandmaster level. Within the CND envelope.
With MK leaving the CND distributors that would mean that they would be unable to use the names or materials that belong to CND it doesn't mean they are no longer educators just that they must be sure not to break copy right laws.
I am sure they will be running something of their own soon.
Much as I like and admire Anne Swain and her team I have to say that I don't see myself changing to the Entity line. I looked at it last month when Scratch mag had an advert for them and didn't find anything to excite me
I think I will stay with what I know and like.
This is my own opinion and is not meant to detract from the Entity line of products in any shape or form.:lol: