Customer service! Nasty message from someone and need help!


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Jan 18, 2013
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This is a bit long winded I'm so sorry but really don't know what to do !

I am still quite newly trained in SP eyelash extensions only been doing it for around 3 weeks.
To build my speed up and improve my work I offered the treatment at a very low price and have literally done set after set and my work has improved so much with each one.
Anyway I use facebook to advertise and will take bookings via face book but also via the number for the salon where I work or my mobile number.
A few weeks ago I had a lady message me on Facebook saying she would like to book a double appointment for her and a friend (one after the other) on a certain date.

I replied and asked her what time she was wanting to come in at as had no bookings in that day yet.
She replied that evening with a time but I had now booked myself out that day for personal reasons which I couldn't avoid so apologised and said I wouldn't be able to do the date she had requested but I had appointments free on other days and specified the dates and times for her.

I then got a message back saying nope she wanted that day she had asked for , why couldn't I do it ? I again apologised and said I couldn't but didn't say why. By this point i was fully booked for that week so offered her any day she wanted the following week and as the offer for the low price wouldn't be on any more I would still do it at the reduced price as good will.

She then said a date she wanted with an evening time - so I replied that I couldn't do that time for a double appointment as I am still new it can take up to 2 hours per person and that I potentially be there until very late if I started at that time. I told her the latest time she could have .

I have now received a really horrible message saying that I've messed her and her friend around and that I'm obviously not bothered about gaining clientele or having a good business and that I will get no where and I shouldn't of treated her like that and she's going to go elsewhere !
I don't know if its just me but I pretty much did everything I could ( please tell me what else I could of done) & now I don't know what to say back to it - she's going to bad mouth me no matter what so should I be a bit rude back and point out where I think she's wrong or do I just bite the bullet apologise Again or even not write back at all ?

ARGH help please xxxxxxx:Scared:
I dont think you could of done anymore. Thats why i try to get them to call me instead of just messages through facebook, texts etc. As it can take days for replys.
I would say 'sorry but u get busy quickly with other bookings' and as u did as much as u possibly could

Ive learnt that some people are never happy.
Hope i helped xx
Definately don't be rude, this will never get you anywhere in business. I can see why she would be annoyed but there is no need for her to be so nasty towards you. She was offered a day and then told she couldn't have it, in her eyes you have let her down. Could you not have worked later on the other day to accommodate her and her friend? :)

Dont be rude back at all. You should always be professional and polite no matter how someone else is behaving.
In my opinion I would have told her the latest time I work when she asked what days I could do.
I work in a full time job and do beauty work after. When a client asks for an appointment I ask which day but in that same text I will say I start work at 5pm and the last appointment I take is at 8pm (Depending on treatment)
If you ever cant do a day you should tell that person in advance, when asking which day they would like to book.
I can understand why she feels messed about as I would feel the same if I had suggested the time and then you told me on two different occasions you couldnt do that day.
I would just apologise once again and say you get booked up very quickly, then leave it at that.
To avoid this in the future I would give someone an hour to message you back on facebook, if after that hour they havent replied you should then message again and say you dont check facebook that often and give them your number to text your or call you on x
I can see why she was annoyed, but she shouldn't have acted like that, i never take appt over tex or face book for precisely this reason, i always tell them any info they want but then tell them to phone me to make an appt. X

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She's obviously disappointed she can't have the times she wants but there was no need for the nasty comments.

I would reply with something along the lines of 'I'm sorry I couldn't book you for the time you requested as I was looking forward to doing your lashes. Best regards X-blush'

It leaves the customer feeling better about the situation, you never know, if you remain polite she may well come back for a booking another time.
How rude. I don't know why people think they can be so rude when you are trying your hardest to get them in.
They wouldn't do that to a dentist or a doctor for example. If they rang for an appointment at the dentist and they didn't have the times they wanted then they would just book another time in. They certainly wouldn't be rude to them. Why is it different for a beauty appointment? We all have set days and hours and if you can't fit them in then you can't fit them in.
I wouldn't be rude with your reply but I would point out that you have tried your best to accommodate them. I'd apologise and tell them what times you had available and if that's not good enough then there's not much you can do.
We've had clients expecting us to go in our day off or moaning because they can't have an appointment because we are on holiday. I even had one client moaning when I had to rush off because my dad was in hospital and we had a call to say we had to go to the hospital immediately!
I will work in my lunch for some clients, I'll stay over or come in early sometimes but there's only so much we can do.
If they are like this now, I'd imagine that they are not the sort of clients I would want anyway. I can understand their frustration but there is absolutely no excuse to be rude.

Haha this is laughable! What a pure idiot. I'd just explain that because you have an offer on you get booked up quickly but mention you'd be happy to do them another time because you were looking forward to it as the above poster said, leave it on a lighter note so she's not left feeling bitter, but angry at herself for being so rude to you x
I absolutely love you for saying this as that is exactly what I thought !
And your right if she's like this now then if I had her as a client would she even be happy with the treatment if I did it for her?!

Thank you everyone for your advice - it means a lot as this has never happened before. I'm going to reply along the lines of --
I'm sorry that you feel this way and that I've let you down as I was looking forward to doing the treatment for you. I will take on board your advice so that something like this does not happen in the future. Kind regards - xx

Any good ? Or not ? I want to say it so I can close the conversation so that she doesn't reply with anything else upsetting xxxxx

How rude. I don't know why people think they can be so rude when you are trying your hardest to get them in.
They wouldn't do that to a dentist or a doctor for example. If they rang for an appointment at the dentist and they didn't have the times they wanted then they would just book another time in. They certainly wouldn't be rude to them. Why is it different for a beauty appointment? We all have set days and hours and if you can't fit them in then you can't fit them in.
I wouldn't be rude with your reply but I would point out that you have tried your best to accommodate them. I'd apologise and tell them what times you had available and if that's not good enough then there's not much you can do.
We've had clients expecting us to go in our day off or moaning because they can't have an appointment because we are on holiday. I even had one client moaning when I had to rush off because my dad was in hospital and we had a call to say we had to go to the hospital immediately!
I will work in my lunch for some clients, I'll stay over or come in early sometimes but there's only so much we can do.
If they are like this now, I'd imagine that they are not the sort of clients I would want anyway. I can understand their frustration but there is absolutely no excuse to be rude.

I wouldn't even say that, I'd just go with: i was looking forward to doing yours and your friends lashes, sorry i couldn't take your appointment this time but I've booked up quickly as its a special offer price, thanks for understanding.

A bit of polite reverse psychology right there!
Don't fret, you are going to come across dissatisfied people from time to time. It's bound to happen to us all. Just be happy that the compaint was over scheduling issues and not your treatment service itself :) I'd take that anyday lol, it's something that can't always be helped. I'd just respond with a polite response that you're sorry you were unable to accomodate her and her friend and "have a sparkling" day lol
"I'm very sorry that I was unable to accommodate you and your massive power trip, but luckily fate got in the way and saved me from having to deal with you."

Maybe don't put that. But you're allowed to think it.

When writing your reply make sure you have a massive grin on your face...I don't know why but it always helps me be mega cheesy and over sincere when I'm messaging a groin strain of a client.

You'll get loads of these, just be polite and move on. If she messaged you via Facebook it helps to put a digging status like "due to the amazing introductory offer I have been rushed off my feet and have been working really hard to fit all my lovely ladies in, but it's been an amazing experience and I've loved getting to meet you all! Thank you for your patience ;) "
At least that way if she says to others you mucked her appt round they already know why xx
If people are serious about making an appointment pick up the phone! Gets it booked in right there and then. I have clients text for appointments and although I dont mind I always point out that can take longer as not always with my phone and if they want it booked quick to call the salon.

Maybe a little note on your facebook page pointing out a similar message might help x
Count your blessings my darling, you have had a lucky escape on this one. Can you imagine her as a client? Just be grateful it didn't get to that stage and move on. None of us want clients like that and we all come across them at some time or another.:wink2:
Count your blessings my darling, you have had a lucky escape on this one. Can you imagine her as a client? Just be grateful it didn't get to that stage and move on. None of us want clients like that and we all come across them at some time or another.:wink2:

i second this! you dont want people like this as clients.. trust me xx:wink2:
Count your blessings my darling, you have had a lucky escape on this one. Can you imagine her as a client? Just be grateful it didn't get to that stage and move on. None of us want clients like that and we all come across them at some time or another.:wink2:

My thoughts exactly. How needs a client like this??

Don't worry I had one of these last week! I had a lady come to me 2 weeks ago for shellac nails, her nails were a bit of a mess so I gave her advice, gave a mini solar oil, I did French and she was really happy with me. In fact she even queried how much I charged thinking I hadn't charged enough. She then rebooked for 2 weeks time and off she went. She was rebooked for yesterday, however last Friday she apparently tried to call me twice in the morning. I was full last Friday but I still manage to look at my phone in between clients and nothing had come through. No messages no missed calls. Anyway I finished my last client at 6pm, went to check my phone and saw I had, had a missed called at 5.30pm. I listened to the message and it was this woman saying she wanted to cancel her appointment on Tuesday, that she had tried calling me twice that day and obviously I didn't value her custom enough to return her calls. I was obviously taken by surprise as I had had no messages nothing. Anyway I rang her back to say I had received nothing on my phone, she then ranted at me saying she had now booked elsewhere and it was a shame as she liked my work. Anyway I apologised and wished her well and said she knew where I was if she needed to come back. Half an hour later I received an email from her again ranting at me! By this point I was really upset as I would never had ignored her calls or messages had I known, this is my business for gods sake. I politely replied again and apologised again and wished her well. Anyway I haven't heard anymore but to be honest I was wondering whether she may have caused me problems in the future, you sometimes get people like this, and sometimes you are better off without them! Ok rant over!
Just be really careful, as the general public ie, clients/ potential clients can, and do read these forums

I've learnt the hard way to never mention any particular incident : )

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