This is an interesting post, took me a long time to read it though.
I bought my uv lamp on ebay for half price from USA and it works really well, brand new too and a gel kit. I am using the kit to practice on my plastic hand so no harm is done on anyone's nails.
I have learned a lot as I am new to the industry and didn't know what problem I could encounter when buying certain products of ebay.
I agree that items that are likely to go off or anything that could be replaced with something else without you knowing it should be bought from a professional supplier so you know where it comes from. If you have any problems with the product then you can go back and exchange it, I guess. But I think it is ok to buy things like rhinestones, files if it's a lot cheaper and won't put anyone's health at risk. I wouldn't risk to buy a product from a place then have problems with it, like an allergic reaction, and find out my insurance is invalid.
By the way, I am looking for IBD distributors in the west midlands, UK. I need to check the Alan Howard in Wolverhampton.
I bought my uv lamp on ebay for half price from USA and it works really well, brand new too and a gel kit. I am using the kit to practice on my plastic hand so no harm is done on anyone's nails.
I have learned a lot as I am new to the industry and didn't know what problem I could encounter when buying certain products of ebay.
I agree that items that are likely to go off or anything that could be replaced with something else without you knowing it should be bought from a professional supplier so you know where it comes from. If you have any problems with the product then you can go back and exchange it, I guess. But I think it is ok to buy things like rhinestones, files if it's a lot cheaper and won't put anyone's health at risk. I wouldn't risk to buy a product from a place then have problems with it, like an allergic reaction, and find out my insurance is invalid.
By the way, I am looking for IBD distributors in the west midlands, UK. I need to check the Alan Howard in Wolverhampton.