Well-Known Member
Ive been on this forum for a few years, have not been on for ages, lost my password and blah blah blah have had to register again.
I did see the professionals thoughts on EN over the months but I chose to start the course as being offered to pay it off was handy and I could afford it this way.
I recieved the kit, started watching the DVD's, started using my products and then had some problems that really could never be sorted over the phone or email, I started thinking how will I be able to offer any kind of service to a client when I have not been shown how to use my product correctly. The nail on my trainer may have looked well after buffing the hell out of it, so what would a real person feel when I would be trying to achieve a good enhancment????
I put everything back in the box, called EN and told them my fear of hurting, damaging or infecting a clients nail, after some calls I sent it back and got my first payment back.
I decided that the geeks where correct, you need a class based training to be knowlegable in all area's of the nail and nail enhancment.
I saved and have now a few wee courses done, got proper quailifications and I am training in Bio in March.
I feel that if I had not have done basic course's classroom based that I would not have had the knowledge to give a client a full, sufficiently qualified service.
This is only my opinion and my dealing with EN
its a helpul opinion to be honest. its good for the discussion for someone who has tried both to put their comments on..