Extensions matting after 2 weeks


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Hi John

I am sorry but there are many inaccuracies in your post.

I just wish that they would not use the term 'Indian Temple Hair' as Indian Temple hair is one of the best hair, racoon and greathlengths use that hair, and it is the best.

Do you actually know what Temple hair is? People go to their local Temple and donate their hair for various religious reasons. There is no quality control in this hair, as anyone and everyone will donate their hair. All the Temple cares about is making money off of the back of their 'clergy'

So when Lush-Us sell what they are claiming 'temple hair' you expect it to be good quality, instead ive found it to be no different from, cheap chinese hair.

Sorry, Lush us do not use Chinese hair. Chinese hair is often expensive as it is not donated but sold on, via contract, to hair extension companies.

Lush-Us claim that their hair is all 100% human, (not mixed) Cuticle intact, remy.

Therefore i would not expect the hair to matt, frizz or go fluffy. IT DOES!

It is 100% human but coated in silicone. Half a dozen washes and the silicone comes off. This is why it matts.

1.Temple hair but due to keeping the costs down, pay cheap chinese labour for the processing therefore the quality is reduced. resulting in dry, damaged, frizzy hair.

Where do you get this information?

2. Not temple hair, possible chinese hair, which is not suitbale for european hair, which would cause the same problem, as the cuticle would have to be stripped because its not bassed on the same structure as european hair.

Chinese hair is LESS likely to be cuticle stripped, as it is closest in denier to European hair, and is perfect for hair extensions. I only use Chinese hair at the moment.

4. Any hair, with no cuticle and a lot of over processing in, China.

Did you know that the company that owns the factories/processing plants in China are the NO1 hair extension company at the moment? My clients would not accept bad quality, silicone covered hair, yet I use Chinese hair. I think you will find that the Chinese hair market is one of the least exploited.

I don't use Lush Us as they don't sell great quality hair, you only have to look at the price to realise that. Hair, at core value, is very profitable at the moment. Good quality hair comes at a price.
Now, I don't for a minute think Chinese hair is the best quality on the market, I know there is even better, but your comments regarding the OP problem are factually inaccurate.
As you state this is a thread about unhappy customers maybe you should also read the other 4 or 5 threads from other customers about how satisfied they are. I have been fitting the Opulent hair - as have many others since it launched without one complaint. Also I suggest you check the "rules" of this website regarding naming companies and individuals.
As you state this is a thread about unhappy customers maybe you should also read the other 4 or 5 threads from other customers about how satisfied they are. I have been fitting the Opulent hair - as have many others since it launched without one complaint. Also I suggest you check the "rules" of this website regarding naming companies and individuals.

If companies were not mentioned on here then how would we know whats good and bad?

My info comes from Greatlengths.net they have a good video on their website explaining hair.

Chinese hair is nothing like european hair structure, their hair is more course, and ive had it lots of times when i could not afford better hair.

and everyone knows that everything is processed in china as it keeps the costs down. That is fact with everything, not just hair but even things we buy. (made in china)

I'm on here because Lush-us claims that the hair will not tangle or matt, i dont care if the hair cost me as little as £50, the point is thats what they are claiming, and im sorry to say but this hair does.

Everyone who finds their hair tangle free well good look to you all, but i dont find it tangle free, and thats why im stating this.

The only good thing is the bonds are strong, yeah and i find very little shed.

My experience of the hair, and i just wanted people to know before they decided to buy, its good that we make people aware.

I have to go now and wash my fly away wig and spend the 3 hours trying to keep it flat, as for yous fortunate people who dont have to do this well good for you.

Quality Hair Extensions

I dont need educating on where Indian Hair comes from.

Great Lengths : 100% human natural hair extensions


And my hair is very far from that!

Not all hair is processed in China. There are 7 processing plants for hair in the world. 1 in Europe (Italy, I believe), the rest in India and China.

I said that Chinese hair is closest in denier to European hair not the same, therefore does not go through the cuticle shaving/stripping process.

Indian temple hair is not quality controlled, therefore the hair on Lush Us may well be Indian Temple hair.

Chinese hair is far from cheap, it costs me £150-£200 per client, in hair. Hardly cheap and a little different to your £50 hair.
Why not use a different brand of hair like celebrity elite and stick to the same brand for every client. I dont use anything else other than celebrity elite or russian hair.

I find it excellent quality hair and it lasts.

Why not use a different brand of hair like celebrity elite and stick to the same brand for every client. I dont use anything else other than celebrity elite or russian hair.

I find it excellent quality hair and it lasts.


Bless you Hun! You are kind, I do in fact use Balmain, Halo and have Foxy's Color ring, as well as Lush us. I've had Celeb in my own hair, tried to get a colour ring, was just constantly told out of stock, so gave up and took them off my website. I mainly use Balmain, but wanted to offer a cheaper alternative, oddly enough since adding that alternative, 9/10 customers wanted Balmain.

The problem here is that we have been sold sub standard hair, I have only fitted 3 clients with Lush us, and 1 of them has had total rubbish,not good stats, if you read back you'll see the story. On top of that the customer service has been disgraceful, 16 days and 4 phone calls 4 emails later I still haven't received prepaid envelope and form to send back rubbish hair, and the MD told me she would deal with it personally, forgot to tell me she was away thus week! In that time client has got fed up, gone elsewhere to have them removed,it took them 4 hrs as the bonds were solid and some where coming out at the root, and I've had to refund her total cost of the service, plus lost 2 more clients that she had recommended. Shop she went to are now slating me, can't say I blame them, as they have said they don't even think the hair is human! My client is devasted and my rep I feel is in tatters.

I don't know anywhere as much as you ladies about the different hair, only the basic facts, but the bottom line is we as professionals, should if we want to, be able to offer cheaper hair extensions, which are still quality hair, for clients on a lower budget, or just so they can see how they get on before taking the plunge into spending £400+ . I for one no longer feel confident in offering this alternative.

Thanks for your responses but please let's not argue amongst ourselves, I started this thread for some help and advice, you can see from the date I started it how long it's been going on, and I greatly appreciate the feedback, but at the end of the day if those of us with the problems, had received the correct customer service this thread would never have started.

I feel your pain fuzion xx

I do not, and cannot offer cheaper hair extensions as there is no such thing as cheap, good hair. I have been involved in cut hair for around 20 odd years and there are so many myths about the origins of the hair, and the processing.

I keep reading on here about remy and temple hair, and how great it is. If you put Indian or Chinese hair in a European person, it will show. You cannot acheive a perfect colour match as the pigments present are different than the pigments present in caucasian hair.

Any hair that is prebonded or pretipped is not gonna be great. It is processed in china to save money, but is still labour intensive. For the price you pay, it has to be bought from the donor, cleaned, dyed or bleached, coated, drawn, tipped, packaged, shipped and distributed.

Is it time to be honest with clients and tell them there is no such thing as cheap hair?
Hello All
With out Prejudice

This is Sam, Company Director from Lush Us Uk. I have been notified of this thread from one of our customers. This is not normal practice for me to respond to threads on Salon Geek, however we all have a reputation to uphold.

Firstly, Lush Us Uk Ltd spent years sourcing the hair we sell, in a very responsible manner. We have visited the companies that we buy our hair from overseas and observed the processes, asked all of the questions that needed asking until we were completely satisfied that what we were buying and supplying is exactly what we say it is.

We felt the need to do this as have over the years lost thousands of pounds ourselves, purchasing hair only to receive it in very poor quality and taking the decision to not sell it to our customers. I can quite confidently state that The Opulent range we are selling IS Indian Remy Temple Hair.

I am very aware of other hair extension companies (who shall remain nameless for integrity) who supply hair from China, have it processed in Europe, and therefore claim it is European hair????? I personally have many years experience in the Hairdressing/Beauty and Hair Extension world.

I am wearing the opulent hair, fitting clients with it and all of our staff are wearing it and as of yet the hair STILL is in great condition. In our training programme there is an intensive section on aftercare, and I am aware that not all clients receive this vital information from their hair extension technician. Anyone who bleaches their own hair to the equivalent of a No. 60 hair extension colour or the light blondes would see dryness and potential damage if they didn't treat their hair in the correct manner and this is exactly the same with hair extensions if not more so.

Our company prides itself on customer services and I am aware of one customer who has complained this week but left the incorrect mobile contact number in the office, the girls in the office know this as they have tried contacting the customer on numerous occasions, things like this do happen unfortunately, however if there is anyone who wishes to contact me directly I am more than happy to deal with you on a personal basis when I return, you can use the contact e-mail which is on our website.

Whilst on the subject of customer services, our company policy is, as it always has been, to refund any unopened products on receipt of the item, and send any hair that customers are unsatisfied with, for testing. We have complaints procedures and policies in place to protect you and your businesses and again, I am happy to discuss this with you.

However, as a company we do not take kindly or lightly to claims from customers or other hair extension companies (who did actually used to work for us but now may have ulterior motives) that we are dishonest or lying about what we are selling. I feel that some of the comments on this thread are false, unjust, not constructive and somewhat close to nasty and i would urge you to deal with this in an appropriate manner.

Due to the origin of some of the slanderous comments from other hair extension companies we now are left with no option but to pursue this via the official and correct channels. We take this very seriously. Lush Us Uk ltd claims to supply Indian Remy Hair at an affordable price. We do not target the higher end of the market, we keep our overheads low hence keeping our prices down.

I am on holiday, away with my children until the beginning of next week and I will deal with any responses on my return, not via Salon Geek but through the contact response forms on our website. I am now logging off to go and stop my children from killing each other.
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Guys just a reminder about the Geek Commandment number 2

2 - Thou shalt not use thy forum to troll.
This is not the place to bitch and moan about proper nouns (i.e. People or companies). That doesn't mean that you can't debate, question or raise a valid point. It means that I don't want to see threads about how x sucks. See this article on constructively trolling to complain in a constructive way.
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