Fabric - more than white help please


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Active Member
Jun 18, 2004
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Newcastle upon Tyne
Where am i going wrong? I put a coat of bond, then more than white and let dry. I then put a strip of fibreglass and bond to saturate it, the problem being that it looks as though the bond is 'melting/softening' the more than white so the fibreglass sinks into it so you can see the more than white sort of pushing through the holes.

Any advice would be greatly received.
May be way out ov order here but saw nobody had replied so thought I might give it ago (not even trained in Fabric or Fiberglass(next years plan!)).

When I have read other posts on hear related to problems with more than white, it has often been mentioned that once the more than white has been applied to leave it for at least 2 mins before moving onto the next step.

Another suggestion, have you used too much activator or resin.
These are only suggestions from sum1 who doesn't have too much idea.
Sorry I can't help anymore, hope sum1 else can.
molly said:
Where am i going wrong? I put a coat of bond, then more than white and let dry. I then put a strip of fibreglass and bond to saturate it, the problem being that it looks as though the bond is 'melting/softening' the more than white so the fibreglass sinks into it so you can see the more than white sort of pushing through the holes.

Any advice would be greatly received.
Ok babe lets have a look !!!!
Apply the thin layer of bond, let it dry.........
apply a thin coat of More Than White..... let this dry completley...2 mins usualy........ apply fibreglass and apply a thin coating of bond..............to much bond will melt the dried MTW.............
From what you are saying your coating of MTW is to thick hun and your bond is melting and turning into mush...............
Try using both the bond and the MTW with thinner applications....let this air dry do not activate , then move on to the build application........

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