Fabric softener on hair extensions?


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Sep 17, 2012
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I had a client the other night having extensions fitted, I gave her the aftercare pack and info at the consultation and upon fitting I was running through it all again with her so she understood. I said to use argon oil on the ends of the hair to keep smooth and speak and she Said 'oh I'll use fabric softener not oil' ehh?! has anyone else heard of this. I advised her not to as it may cause damage and to stick to the aftercare Info I have given her. The said shes had all sorts of extensions for years and she's always done this?!
not sure what to think, just wondering ignorance anyone else has heard of this?
TIA xx

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if* not ignorance silly phone!!

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Yeah I've head of this! Never done it though so can't comment on how it makes the hair feel :/ xx
Yeah I've head of this! Never done it though so can't comment on how it makes the hair feel :/ xx

I'm not brave enough to try it on my self! I know a friend who used to put a bottle of tomato ketchup on her own hair every month. Said it was better than conditioner! I just don't think I could take a bottle in the shower with me and it feel normal haha xx

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Now ive done loads of things with my extensions, i used to hang them out on the line to dry (wefts) but just the thougth of using something intended for clothes on hair is weird! Haha :) xx
I've always been told to put fabric softener on my extensions /clip ins. Makes then so soft and smell lush!x
I used to work with a girl who used fabric softener to condition her hair... blue lenor to be exact... seems strange to me!!
Wow ive never heard of that!
I remember people used to use it years ago when monofibre extensions were popular, it was pointless using expensive conditioners as there was nothing to penetrate so people used fabric conditioner, dont know why you would use it on human hair though.
Years ago I had my hair braided like Christina in the dirty video! It was back in the day when you could smoke in pubs and clubs. I used to wash it once a week and condition it with fabric softener!Done wonders lol and in between washes I used to spray it with fabreeze to get rid of the smell of smoke!!
Wlergh we used to use it to detangle our blocks at college. Personally im allergic to it as hell so I wouldnt recommend it to clients just incase.
I was told to use it on synthetic wigs xxx
I can understand using it on synthetic hair because it designed for that type of material,but human hair im not sure I would imagine it has lots of salt and other stuff in it
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Ive heard of doing it on clip ins but not for someones full head.....Guess its a weird one! hmm!
haha agree with you all deffo a odd one for human hair! can understand using it on synthetic. I don't think I'll be advising my clients to do the same just incase!
thanks all for replys xxx

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It works really well on synthetic hair :) have heard it being used on real hair too and it being fine. Not tried myself though :) x

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