Favourite childhood toys and games-what were yours?


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Loved cleudo and pictionary! I used to play barbies and have wedding and there houses was the side of the sofa so they were hidden like in a house lol. Also magic sand - didnt do much with it like make things underwater just amazed me haha. And 'Ello' not sure if anyone will know what that is but uses to love making families and houses lol. Scoobies!!! Hama!! But no to forget sims (even though it's a pc game) but I used to sit on it for hours! xx
I loved sindy and tiny tears
My fave games were operation and buckaroo, but me and my sister would always end up fighting cos she was a cheat!

My best toy was my Sindy and I loved my Grifter bike
Buckarooooo I remember getting it for Christmas and it wouldn't work. My mum n dad sent it back to Santa and came back with Kerplunkk instead lol

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Ker plunk! How did I forget that lol what about staying alive and hungry hippos!
I was happy with just plasticine or play dough. Loved making things. I also had a candle making kit which was fabulous. Have tried to find one similar for my daughter but there's nothing good enough.
I still have my My Little Pony's and my Gameboy. I'd forgotten about Betty Spaghetti! I loved those!
I had a friend with a garden full of rose bushes every colour, roses were the only flowers they grew, masses of them and we used to spend hours making perfumes from the petals, her mum gave us little bottles and beakers and we lined them all up on the shelves inside the wooden hut. I also spent hours making clothes for my sindy doll, i loved making up my girls world too, make-up and hair, i was never ever bored lol
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Almost forgot about my doll's pram! Took it everywhere. Used to love wearing mum's heels when I was out with my little pram.

Me too, i loved pinching mums heels, i loved shoes then and i still do now and it feels great pushing a pram doesnt it, lol
i loved my wee little tiny tears, the amount of clothes i had for that doll
Mr frosty,fuzzy felt,a big doll and you put a tape in her back and she sang or talked,glow worm he had a hard face and soft green body and when you squeezed him he lit up I love love loved him,I had a knitted gollywog which I adored (please no correcting me or calling me racist thankyou).polly pocket,micro machines,WWF wrestlers lmao,thunder cats,barbies my nan bought me 3 barbies a year the ones in the big boxes limited addition ones cost her a fortune like £60-£80 a pop,pogs,slammers the list is endless.

Mouse trap............the most annoying game and you know what we bought it about a month ago and it still dosnt work exactly like the old school one.xx
I absolutely loved my girls world although I ruined it when I used nail polish as her eyeshadow (think I was thinking of semi permanent makeup lol). I also loved my Rolf Harris stylophone and learnt to screech out amazing grace!. But my bestest pressie ever was a talking bugs bunny which you pulled the string and he said "what's up doc?". My friend found what I was describing on google and looking at him now I think he looks quite creepy but at the time I was besotted with him lol
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Anything by crayola I loved ! Every year I used to get a house shaped toy box that was yellow and the lid (roof) was red and it was filled with crayola stuff ..loved it !

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Sindy, Tiny Tears, Fuzzy Felt, Spirotot, Katie Copycat, Headache, Operation, the list is endless and I now feel ancient! :irked:
I know noodle - you can work out ages just by what toys we got! My bugs bunny didn't even have batteries, but a pull string (batteries WERE invented then!) do everyone must be thinking I'm well old hahahaha
My brother had a teddy ruxpin if anyone remembers him?I used to live playing with it :) 🐻 lol oh the memories!
My brother had a teddy ruxpin if anyone remembers him?I used to live playing with it :) 🐻 lol oh the memories!

My eldest niece had teddy ruxpin! She used to run to bed to get a story with him lol
I used to love my pali toy tree house.
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Jibba jabbas!!!

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