oh my god you are soooooo not the only one, i was exactly the same, it all ended in tears!! i still takes me about 2.5 to 3 hours to do a set as i am still practicing too, i really recommended you book yourself in to a one to one with CND, i did two weks ago and already my nails are looking so much better, a few little tips from a fellow beginner: write down all the problems you have and ASK about them at the one to one no matter how silly you might feel, start from the begining, and take a model who will help you after the one to one, i took my mum which was a great help as she took it all in too and can remeber stuff that i had forgotten! (and they are honest too). you will find that it is nothing major that you are doing wrong, just little things here and there which take up the extra time. Also get yourself a book which i call my bible: The Complete Nail Technician by Marian Newman, published by Tomson. just keep practising and keep positive, i got really low and now i am loving it. hope this helps let me know how you get on. (PS: the one to one is quite pricey but it is well worth spending the money) xx