Ruth Mills
Well-Known Member
It's getting to be like that here in the US, also. Christmas vacation is now called winter break, Easter vacation is now called spring break. God forbid, Christianity 'offends' anyone. It's just sickening what has become of this country, in the name of 'political correctness'. :cry:
I know... both the UK and US have had predominantly Christian cultures for hundreds of years... and surely you can call a holiday a "Christmas holiday" without forcing people who aren't Christians to celebrate Christmas?
Personally, I'm really interested in other cultures and religions, and believe that people should have the right to practice whichever religious or spiritual path they choose, provided that it doesn't infringe on anyone else's liberties. So it's fine for someone to build a mosque in my town, for example, provided that they don't then expect me to convert to Islam, and it doesn't impact on my rights to go for an alcoholic drink at the pub across the road. And as long as they're treated by the local council in exactly the same way that a Christian group would be if building a new church. Likewise for a Sikh temple, etc, etc...