Firstly Thankyou :hug:
and secondly, I thought exactly the same, and Said pretty much the same to a good geeky friend of mine, I said along the lines of 'I don't know what I am entering for anyway, I won't win'
The conversation reminded me that 1) you have to be in it to win it, 2) You learn a hell of a lot along the way, and its good too push yourself, and you still have some more experience and a nice photo for your portfolio at the end of it.
With this set I did, I had done a really similar set weeks before, (I got the deadline of the comp confused lol)
but I studied the photo's and realised 'something' wasn't right with them,
So after huffing and puffing about it lol,
I decided to try again, I learned from the previous attempt and tried to correct everything I wasn't happy with on that 1st set.
I still didn't think I would come 1st place with these nails, but I was really happy with them ....
To anyone thinking of not entering a comp because you may not be good enough etc... just go for it,
Try not to stress (as I do all the time lmao) just put your all into it and have some fun.
you never know !!!!
(I am still dead excited lol)