Getting hubby to spray tan me


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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2010
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Hey, I am a trained therapist myself and qualified in spray tan with fake bake. I am doing a music video next week and my friend who usually spray tans me and visa versa is busy. Sooooo I'm going to ask the husband to spray tan me. He has never done this before does anyone have any tips for me to tell him beforehand? I'm praying this goes well, god help me!
Eish, I donno. I came out looking like a tiger with stripes.
Men or mine was useless.

So instead I changed my setting to most and just sprayed myself acing large mirror in shower door and did myself.
However I am quite flexible so of you not able to bend it might be difficult but not impossible. :)
He has never done this before does anyone have any tips for me to tell him beforehand? I'm praying this goes well, god help me!

your kidding right :eek::lol::lol:

WTF ...let someone loose with a spray gun that has no capability of even frying an egg or even holding such a thing before ...are you crazy :eek:
the only thing you should be telling him before you let him loose is to give you twenty quid so you can go to a proper therapist and get a proper spray tan WTF lol

nothing wrong with partners spray tanning there..well partners...but at least give em a chance to learn first :wink2::Love:

letting him loose on you now ...poor bugger is leaving him self wide open to a lifetime of ...well :wink2:
Men or mine was useless.

hey missus..less of the men are useless on the spraytan thung ...ok maybe by comparison to many things we indeed are...ironing,washing up,nagging and "does my bum look big in this " kind of stuff ...but somethings we can actually do better ...quiet what they are eludes me right now but there must be something WTF :eek::lol::lol::lol::hug:
My husband spray tans me every few weeks without fail. I have him quite well trained lol. I am really body conscious and felt sick having a spray tan done at college while training, so I get him indoors to do it 😊 saves me a lot of stress.
I just gave him a quick talk through on how to do it and off he went. The first time it looked awful and probably wasted a lot of product but when I washed off the guide later it looked really amazing. I figure since I do his massages, facials, eyebrow shaping and hair cuts its the least he can do. If your fella is happy to have a go then why not? Just make good use of barrier cream on hands feet knees and elbows. I guess non-pro men are heavy handed and can apply it quite .... Umm ... Generously lol.
I guess non-pro men are heavy handed and can apply it quite .... Umm ... Generously lol.

he he he ..TBW a useful thing when changing your burst Tyre for you on the hard shoulder of the M62 motorway in early January in the sleet and rain or showing you where the fuel cap is at on your pale blue ford focus with a soft top ...but not so good in the application of a spraytan :eek::lol::lol::Grope:

bring on the :Love::Love:
Yes let someone else spray you! I would not trust my boyfriend to spray tan! Especially for a music video!! :lol:
Hey, I am a trained therapist myself and qualified in spray tan with fake bake. I am doing a music video next week and my friend who usually spray tans me and visa versa is busy. Sooooo I'm going to ask the husband to spray tan me. He has never done this before does anyone have any tips for me to tell him beforehand? I'm praying this goes well, god help me!

My boyfriend spray tanned me before he loved it lol it came out really well too i had a little stripe on my arm but it wasn't noticeable so I'd let him do it again :) just explain to him what to do an you get in the right positions he can't cock up that much can he!? Xx

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Once you know your positions you should be OK, as long as your tan has a good guide colour. Just tell him to spray everywhere he sees white until its brown. Turn it on a low setting because you can be sure he'll overspray lol.
Once everywhere is coated it will be fine when its washed off even if the guide colour is horrendous.

Or save yourself the worry and book somewhere else!

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