Avoid Soaking off the nail enhancement, Picking off, or using the tooth removal method.
These techniques can make the condition significantly worse.
Shorten the length of the enhancement.
Quite a bit o Onycholysis is caused by excessive length of the enhancements. The longer the enhancement, the more stress is applied to the nail bed when the enhancement is put under pressure.
Thin down the enhancement
Keep the affected nail clean and pampered
This of course doesn't mean pouring Weed Killer under the nail, or cleaning under the nail with a wire brush. It simply means to keep the are clean from debris and to be conscious of the condition as it grows out.
The client should wear gloves and try to stay out of strong solvents or detergents as these can dry the Bed Epithelium out worsening the condition.
Do not attempt to re-adhere the plate to the bed using Adhesive, Blue tack, or Duct Tape.
The only cure for Onycholysis is time. As the nail plate continues to grow, the condition should gradually get better.
If the condition is chronic, or worsens with time: Refer to a Derm.