Hair extensionists couldn't cut!


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It's a bit like going to get nail extensions and them not being able to cut them to size in my opinion!
Sorry to resurrect an older thread but wanted to just add that I am currently looking to train in hair extensions. i am not a hairdresser so am also looking into going to colege to do a NVQ2 in hairdressing so I have the basis to be able to cut and blend the hair.

Balmain training courses are available for non-qualified hairdressers but you receive only certification to state you are qualified in "application only" and they state that you should have a hairdresser to hand to blend the extensions. Other places i have looked at do teach you how to blend the extensions.

i would not, however, wish to cut a clients hair as i am not a hairdresser so am a little offput by the whole thing now as it may mean me trying to move house just to be able to go to college as the college is 30 miles away from me near enough :(

I'll add to this that's it's ludicrous to not teach anyone training in extensions to cut as that's the whole look. Myself being a hairdresser would not have been able to cut extensions until I trained in them. So to be told by the girl that fitted them after the fitting that I had to go to a pro amazed me! As I member of the public I wouldn't have had the first idea of where to go. Research on courses is definately needed.
From my research so far, there are very few companies who will teach the cutting and blending without a hairdressing qualification. As a nail tech who gets frustrated at people doing mani courses and then thinking they are qualified to do all enhancement treatments too, I know how insulting it is to the hairdressing professionals that a complete beginner can do a 1 day course and walk away with a piece of paper which essentially allows them insurance to go wild with a pair of scissors!

I know some courses provide you with a thinning razor - a RAZOR for a non-trained hair pro just seems terrifying to me lmao

I just want to be able to add a service onto my nail enhancements that will give me a bit of versatility yet not compromise my professional views that mean you should respect someone's hard training and years of experience and not try to step on their toes running before you can walk.

Also - some of the places I have been researching offer tutorials about the extensions process and do actually state that for thicker and shorter hair the extensionist would be required to trim the hair prior to putting it in? i assumed that it meant the clients hair rather than the extensions but am confused now :D xx
When I did my training they went through cutting and blending - Ive never done hairdressing before. I felt totally confident to do it when I left and never had anyone complain at how I blend the hair. If you take a look at my album on hair extensions I dont think I do too bad a job for a non-trained hairdresser! Its suprising how many people go to their hairdressers after having extensions done to get them cut and they come out with sore scalps/blunt ends and at times I have even seen hair pulled from the root after visiting their hairdresser! My cousin is a trained hairdresser and has her own salon but never done any training on hair extensions!

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