Has anyone else felt like this?


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Buttercup Honey

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
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I just seem to have this awful nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach nearly all of the time. I am getting busier (have not advertised at all) and imagine that if anything my confidence should be coming back. In fact I am worrying like mad about every single client (and if its colour, affects my sleep:rolleyes:)
God, to think I ran my own v successful salon for years, feels like it was somebody else:rolleyes:
Do you think there's any chance you may be suffering from stress? In my other job I suffer stress at certain times of the year, have that pit-of-my-stomach feeling and eventually start to lose sleep and I know it's stress causing it, not confidence or anything else. I'm just wondering if it could be that possibly? If you're worried you could go see your doctor (I'm thinking regarding losing sleep).

Just a thought! :)
Not with hair, as if anyone would be daft enough to trust me with a pair of scissors:biggrin:
But I can remember starting out with nails, every new customer had me half wishing they would change their mind.
I think it shows you care, it means a lot to you to have a happy customer.
So you need to learn to relax with it, you are getting busy, it's all word of mouth, so that must mean you're doing it right.
You need to relax and think about something different, concentration is great but being able to switch of is what stops us cracking up.:hug:
I think that whatever industry you're in, if you've been out of it for a while then go back it's always a bit daunting.

The fact that you are worrying about getting it right just shows that you care though.

Think back to when you first started working on clients, you probably felt the same way then as well.

I'm sure you're really good so just keep going :)
I'm the same!! and yes i do sometimes hope they'll phone and cancel if its a colour - its getting better though. I have no problem with cuts although I sometimes drive away thinking ' did I really check that all over again? what if its uneven. etc. etc..'
and I know I wasn't paranoid when I first started in a salon - cofidence of youth and all that I reckon, I recognise it in some answers on here and admire it!
as long as you get returning customers ( with the exception of an odd few - you'll always get those) you know its going alright. have you tried 'kalms' herbal stress remedy - it maybe the placibo effect but I find they work well, even before the dentist!
don't forget - us seasoned hairdressers may be a little nervous in returning but we have a lot of knowledge stored away somewhere and actually we've seen so many heads we know hair really well.:wink2:
ha i am a nervous wreck .. i nigh on have a panic attack :Scared:, get convinced am gonna mess summin up but i seem to do ok have done fellow hairdressers hair for trade test etc.. and they say i am fine but i have no blummin confidence in myself to believe it
, i do think the confidence of youth thing is true i am wayyyy less confident now than i ever was as a young person am actually thinking of going to hypnotherapy coz it drives me batty .. i do it with everything , hair , nails , beauty .. if i take pics i critique myself something shocking and spot every fault there could possibly be , lol
i wish i could be one of then that just take it in their stride but sadly i think i will always be this way , lol
When i first started out on my own i did get a bit nervous sometimes as it all happened very quickly for me too, my business took off a lot sooner than i expected but it was the best way for me. That nervous feeling soon goes away once your confidence is back you will wonder what all the fuss was about!x:hug:
The fact you feel so nervous tells me how important it is to you, to make a success of it and be professional and enjoy it. I always think that its better to be a little nervous rather than over confident but if its making you ill you must be pro active - Have you considered doing a course? A refresher or just a one day colour course? Maybe look at local college, supplier or colour company, they are not always expensive and you get a certificate that is always an ego boost. Its amazing how a course can inspire, and give a big boost to confidence and remind you of stuff you do know but have forgotten you know:biggrin:
If you have run a salon you must have 'it' and 'it' will return but be a bit pro -active - good luck x

PS And you always have SG for help & advice x
Hi there.

All the above comments are so true, and we all care.
Just try and learn to relax when not working and don't think about too many problems. Negative thoughts can play havoc with our mental states. Trust me, I have suffered with anxiety before and I know what its like.

Most importantly, if your anxiety will not go away and you think it is affecting your life, please go and see your GP.

Try and keep a positive frame of mind and you will be fine.

I wish you well.

A heartfelt thankyou for the lovely kind replies.
I read some yesterday evening and really took in everything that you have all said. I was in no state to try to reply back yesterday.
I do think I am stressed, never thought about it til last night so gonna have to teach myself to switch off although that is so hard. I would be relaxed for a few minutes and then something would remind me of hair and away I'd go again. Our family finances have taken a massive hammering over the last year and I think its taking its toll too.
I have been wrecking my head thinking about going back into a salon part time as I feel that working in the environment would def help boost my confidence and I would hopefully get my mojo back:wink2: Although my family (who are all lovely) think I am better off mobile as I can suit myself.
I have lined up an interview in a salon next week just for Saturday work. Not sure if I want it or not (although that could be just from listening to everyone here). It took so much out of me just to pick up the phone and ring them about the vacancy. I was shaking coming off the phone.
I had a really busy week last week doing hair and then had a lovely chilled afternoon yesterday..met friends for lunch and had a good laugh. But as soon as I left them, this massive weight was back.
Anyway, the thing is, I feel massively better today and a bit more positive.
Thankyou all sincerely for taking the time to reply, it means a hell of a lot :hug:
Just a quick note again.
I know money is always an issue in all our lives, but I now adopt the attitude that happiness is far more important than money.
Personally, I would rather take a less stressful job and earn less money as opposed to earning loads and being stressed out all the time. But we are all different and cope with things in different ways.

Whatever happens and whatever you decide, you will be ok in the end, and
remember, try not to worry too much.

Only just read all these comments and have to add Its called being concientious. I have had plenty of sleepless nights over hair, especially wedding hair and colour corrections. It does sound like something has knocked your self-esteem. If you have customers coming back, then you have no problem. Remember, you cant please everyone, you can only do your very best. Most disasters come from arrogant over confident hairdressers who just dont listen to advise or what the client is asking for.
I am always on this site getting second opinions and advise, and I work really hard to get things right, because I am a worrier. Nobody should be over confident.
This site is a success, because we all have our moments. Good luck and sort out that self esteem.
You say that you are worrying about hair but do you think that perhaps this is a symptom of events that have occurred in your life outside your profession?. You mention that your family finances took a severe knock a while ago, could this be causing your anxiety?.
Anxiety can be triggered by many things and in order to overcome it you really need to get to the root cause of it, perhaps seeking counselling might help as a well qualified, professional counsellor will be able to identify the cause and help you find a way to cope. Sometimes just off-loading to a complete stranger can be really beneficial and you can also learn alot about yourself in the process.

All the best


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