....well now all the above leads me to ask a question....i will put my hand up and say that I buy my ezflow stuff from the USA, i buy powders & liquids, they cost a fraction of what we are charged for them here as does the training...ezflow (head office) recently emailed me to ask me if i wanted to go on one of their Ezflow Educator training courses, now i had contacted California nails in the past about doing this but it was working out at over £1000 which i didn't have to spend at the time so you can imagine the shock i got when i read the details of the course in the states and found out that it was only going to cost me
$350 and for that i got the 4 day training course plus $1500 worth of ezflow kit free, and if you elect to share a hotel room with another student who is going on the course they pay the room rate for the hotel, they even pick up the students from the hotel and drop you back in the evening!!!
I contacted them and they confirmed all that and even after i told them i was based in the UK they said it was no problem, my educator status is valid worldwide so i would be perfectly entitled to come back to the UK (or anywhere else for that matter) and open up my own training school issueing ezflow certs....
Now i don't know about you guys but i was stunned, to say that's an attractive offer is an understatement, it really made me question why i would pay someone over £1K for something i was going to get for a tenth of the price (and don't forget all the free kit!!).
Anyway, what i'd like to know is has anyone else gone on this course who could give me some feedback on it.