Help with peeling OPI GelColour


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nail tech beck

New Member
Dec 8, 2016
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I have used opi gel colour for quite awhile now as I just love opi! but im getting frustrated because my clients nails never seem to last that long, the gel always seems to peel away and lift up at the sides, its not always every nail but they sure don't last as long as what they should, and it's normally always the sides that lift, the middle and cuticle end are always fine and I seal the free edge in. I prep the nails correctly and I set them under an LED lamp for 30 seconds each coat applied. I dehydrate the nails, buff them down to get rid of the ridges and I apply the opi bond aid. I don't really want to change to a different gel as my whole set is opi but it's just annoying now! someone please help.
I'd stop buffing. I strictly use OPI gelcolor and never buff anymore if I do a quick two swipe thing.
Are you using a OPI light?
Do you use any cuticle remove lotion or anything that would remain on the edges of the nail?
Are you making sure the bond aid is totally dry before starting?
Could there be any residue from the buffing on the sidewalls?
Are you using the OPI black led lamp? If so, are you making sure that when you client places their hand in the lamp that their fingers are spread apart?
I have been having similar issues

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